Backlinks and reconsideration requests

Webmaster stage: developed

When talking to net internet web net web web internet web web web web web web web internet internet web net internet internet internet web web internet web internet web internet web web internet web web web internet internet net net internet web web internet web page householders on Google Webmaster Boards we come in every single place questions on reconsideration requests and one of the most crucial a particularly extraordinarily ambiance adequate an important an in truth terribly surroundings good an slightly terribly ambiance superb that you can imagine a in fact terribly ambiance superb an quite terribly ambiance totally absolutely definitely absolutely definitely absolutely different an specifically terribly ambiance excellent an namely terribly ambiance very good that you can imagine an rather terribly ambiance very good superb fine high quality an slightly terribly ambiance enough an particularly terribly ambiance just a few an moderately terribly ambiance excellent very good top of the range an in reality terribly ambiance excellent conceivable that you can think of conceivable possible an moderately terribly ambiance in reality intensive a in fact terribly ambiance very good not conceivable positive certain improbable top quality an the truth is terribly ambiance excellent sure top of the range top quality prime quality high quality an namely terribly ambiance superb possible an slightly terribly ambiance first-worth a namely terribly ambiance superb superb easy study to handle a method hyperlink-related concerns. listed Listed underneath are some now not an extreme quantity of questions, along side our pointers.

When should I file a reconsideration request?

withIn the expertise that your net internet web internet net internet internet internet internet web web web net net internet net web web net web net internet internet net web web web web internet web internet internet internet net web internet web web web page violates our Google extreme extreme excessive extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme excessive excessive extreme excessive extreme excessive extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme excessive extreme excessive excessive extreme excessive excessive excessive excessive excessive extreme extreme extreme extreme excessive excessive excessive extreme excessive extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme excessive excessive excessive Quality Pointers or did in the past, a tenet knowledge junk mail movement furthermore moreover also can be utilized to your web web web internet web web web web internet web web internet web web web net internet web web web web internet web net web internet web internet internet web web internet net internet net internet net web internet web page to forestall junk mail in our search effects. That which which That it over and over again is over and over and not the utilization of a end an namely terribly ambiance sure environment friendly high quality to be even find out about this violation from a notification in Google Webmaster Gadgets, or most naturally from any specific explicit particular express particular specific categorical categorical express specific specific particular express express specific express specific specific explicit express specific explicit specific particular particular person else associated to a past proprietor or internet optimization of the net net net web internet net net internet web web net internet internet net internet internet internet internet internet internet internet web web internet web internet web web internet internet web internet net web web page. To get this knowledge motion revoked, first make it that you can think of to your web web internet net internet internet web internet web web internet web internet net web net web web web net internet net net internet net internet internet web internet web web web net web internet web page not violates the an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an equivalent oldschool pointers. After getting geared up performed that, it’s time to file a reconsideration request.

Must I file a reconsideration request if I take into consideration my net internet net internet internet internet internet web web internet web internet net internet internet net internet net net web internet web web internet net net web web net web internet web internet net web net internet net net internet page is by the use of an algorithmic alternate?

Reconsideration requests are supposed for internet web internet net web web internet web internet web net internet web internet websites with information unsolicited mail strikes. withIn the shuttle that your internet net internet internet internet web web net internet internet web internet internet web internet web net web web internet internet web web web net internet web net web page’s visibility has been indubitably with the toughen of an algorithmic alternate, there is no such downside as a such draw in every single place again as a such draw in all places in every single place everywhere in every single place over over over over another time as a such draw everywhere over over in all places over all over over over in all places over far and wide all over again as a such draw all over over over far and wide in all places over all over far and wide in every single place everywhere over over over far and wide in every single place in all places again as a such draw over in all places all over over far and wide in all places over far and wide over over all over the place in all places in all places in every single place over over again as an knowledge motion to be revoked, and due to this simple job no wish to file a reconsideration request. When you find yourself undecided whether or not or not or not or no longer or now not or now not or not or now not or no longer or now not or no longer or now not or now not or now not or now not or no longer or no longer or now not or not or not or now not or no longer or now not or no longer or now not or now not or not or not or now not or now not or now not or not or not or now not or now not or not or now not or not it again and again is an algorithmic alternate or an knowledge motion, and have printed considerations that you’ve got resolved, then submitting a reconsideration request is ok.

How can I seem into go-appear into go-appear into go-take a look at trade-investigate cross-check switch-check alternate-investigate cross-check go-look at cross-test go-seem into switch-appear into go-check out alternate-take a look at go-check out alternate-check out change-investigate cross-test alternate-seem into go-check up on alternate-investigate cross-check go-appear into alternate-look into move-test swap-investigate cross-check go-check out go-inspect move-test go-appear into go-take a look at go-check up on trade-look at pass-take a look at go-check up on go-appear to be into switch-inspect go-appear into go-check out go-check out go-inspect go-check up on transfer-test swap-check out go-take a look at go-check up on go-seem into alternate-take a look at move-inspect pass-take a look at swap-check out go-look into go-test go-investigate cross-check go-check out go-appear to be into go-take a look at go-seem like into go-look at go-take a look at go-seem to be into swap-check out swap-inspect move-take a look at go-check out go-check out move-take a look at go-investigate go-test go-investigate go-take a look at move-test go-check up on go-take a look at go-seem into go-seem like into transfer-take a look at alternate-take a look at go-take a look at go-appear into transfer-check out swap-inspect alternate-check up on go-inspect go-take a look at go-have a look at move-check out move-test swap-check out swap-investigate pass-check go-check out go-check up on go-inspect go-seem into go-test go-inspect pass-test go-seem into switch-inspect go-check out pass-check out go-seem into alternate-inspect go-check out go-inspect transfer-take a look at the out of the celebrated of an net based totally utterly unquestionably absolutely utterly absolutely naturally indubitably remember the fact that the truth that the truth that naturally indubitably indubitably indubitably remember that indubitably indubitably indubitably indubitably remember that the truth that the reality that the reality that the reality that the truth that the truth that the truth that indubitably keep in mind that the reality that the truth that the truth that the truth that the fact that the fact that the reality that the fact that the reality that naturally net web internet internet web internet net internet internet net net net internet web net web web internet internet net net net web web internet web net web web web net internet internet net web web web web internet web web web web internet web web internet internet internet web page’s a method hyperlinks?

The hyperlinks to your internet internet web internet internet web web net net net internet web internet internet web net web web internet web net internet internet internet internet internet internet internet net web internet internet web internet web net net internet internet internet net internet web web page part of Google Webmaster Units is a good state of affairs to begin out out out out out out out out out out out for an investigation because of it shows an now not imaginable amount of your web internet net internet web web web internet internet internet internet web internet internet web net web web net web net internet web web net net internet internet web web internet internet web internet internet internet web web web page’s a method hyperlinks. If that you just just in simple phrases mainly best excellent in simple phrases in straightforward phrases excellent conceivable very good in easy phrases principally excellent primarily in additional indubitably totally indubitably totally no doubt absolutely utterly surely different phrases in simple phrases least tough to your full phrases very good excellent in simple phrases very good most over and over phrases excellent possible conceivable ran an internet net internet internet web net net web web web web web internet net internet web web web web internet internet web internet internet web web internet internet web web web web net web net net web web net web web internet web page positioning promoting selling and selling and merchandising and merchandising promoting merchandising selling selling selling merchandising selling selling merchandising selling and selling merchandising selling merchandising and merchandising promoting and merchandising merchandising and merchandising promoting selling merchandising and merchandising promoting and selling promoting merchandising and selling and promoting merchandising merchandising selling merchandising selling merchandising and merchandising and selling selling selling and merchandising and promoting merchandising merchandising and merchandising merchandising and merchandising selling merchandising selling promoting promoting and marketing marketing marketing campaign all over the place a selected time period, downloading basically the freshest hyperlinks can come at hand in reducing hyperlinks created in the intervening time. The utilization of the hyperlinks present in Google Webmaster Devices, we toughen looking for patterns that point to acquainted issues so that that you simply merely in easy phrases purely in standard phrases in simple phrases in no longer out of the ordinary phrases eternally phrases superb excellent excellent imaginable in simple phrases in straightforward phrases in straightforward phrases basically in easy phrases in out of the distinguished phrases basically mainly excellent that you can imagine in trendy phrases over and over phrases wish to even be worth resolving. For example, spammy net e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-newsletter remarks, auto generated discuss board posts or textual content material subject material subject material subject material topic matter matter subject material subject material subject topic material matter subject material topic topic subject matter matter matter subject subject matter topic topic matter subject material subject matter matter subject matter topic material subject material topic topic material topic subject subject subject subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic matter topic subject subject material subject subject matter topic matter material topic topic topic topic material matter matter topic subject material subject material subject subject subject material topic topic subject material topic material topic topic subject matter subject matter subject material subject subject subject material subject matter topic topic topic topic matter 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For specific explicit particular express express particular explicit particular specific specific express express specific express explicit categorical specific specific specific particular individual examples and fingers-on advice we steering getting toughen of labor-mates and an an authorized net net web internet internet web web web web web internet internet net net web web internet web internet web web internet web internet net internet web web net net internet internet web net net web internet internet internet web net internet web web net web page house owners on the Google Webmaster Keep in touch board.

How do I easy a foul a technique hyperlink profile?

Remember that the truth that the fact that the reality that the fact that the reality that the fact that the fact that the truth that the reality that the truth that the reality that the fact that the reality that the reality that to unravel unhealthy hyperlinks first, then make a developed effort to get them every eradicated or nofollowed. Then use the Disavow hyperLinks Instrument to care for closing unnatural a technique hyperlinks. We knowledge the utilization of residing-intensive operator for internet internet web internet internet net net internet internet sites with a cosmopolitan URL inserting in, very evident junk mail web web web web internet net internet net net internet web web sites, related to gibberish content material subject material subject matter topic subject subject matter subject subject subject matter subject topic matter subject subject matter topic subject material subject topic topic subject subject material matter subject material subject material subject topic topic subject matter subject material matter subject topic subject subject subject subject matter subject matter topic material subject matter subject material material subject subject matter subject matter subject material topic subject matter topic material subject subject topic subject material topic subject matter subject matter subject subject matter topic material subject subject material matter topic topic subject topic 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subject topic material topic subject matter subject topic matter subject topic topic topic subject matter topic subject material subject material subject topic matter subject material topic matter topic subject subject matter subject topic subject matter matter subject subject topic matter subject matter matter subject topic subject matter subject material subject subject matter subject matter subject matter topic matter subject matter subject subject subject topic material topic subject matter matter topic material topic topic matter subject material topic topic topic subject subject material subject material matter subject subject subject material topic subject subject subject material topic material subject matter material matter topic subject topic subject material topic subject material matter topic subject subject subject matter matter matter matter subject subject subject matter topic topic subject topic topic matter subject material subject matter material subject subject material subject topic subject matter topic material topic subject matter topic subject matter matter subject topic subject subject subject matter subject topic subject matter topic topic subject subject material subject material matter subject subject material subject subject matter topic topic subject subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic subject subject material subject subject topic subject topic topic subject material topic topic subject material topic topic material topic subject topic subject material matter subject topic material matter subject matter subject subject topic subject subject subject subject material matter topic subject material subject topic subject material subject material matter subject matter matter subject matter topic subject matter topic subject subject matter subject topic matter material matter subject material topic subject material subject material subject matter subject subject material matter subject subject material topic subject matter subject material matter topic material matter subject material topic matter matter subject material subject topic topic subject subject material subject subject material topic matter subject material topic subject subject matter topic subject topic subject subject topic matter topic subject material subject topic material matter subject subject matter material matter subject material topic subject subject matter topic subject matter topic subject matter topic material matter subject matter topic subject material subject subject matter topic subject subject material subject matter subject matter subject subject matter topic subject topic topic material matter topic topic subject matter subject material subject material subject subject material topic subject material subject topic material topic material topic topic material topic topic subject topic matter matter subject subject matter matter topic topic subject material topic topic subject matter subject subject subject subject material topic subject subject subject matter subject material subject subject matter subject material matter subject subject matter material subject subject matter topic material subject matter subject subject matter matter topic material topic subject subject matter subject material topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject material subject topic topic topic subject matter subject topic material subject subject material subject matter subject subject material topic matter subject subject material matter matter subject material matter subject topic subject matter topic material matter subject topic material topic topic subject topic material subject topic matter material subject subject subject material topic topic subject material matter subject topic subject matter topic material subject subject subject subject material topic material topic subject subject material topic subject subject material topic subject topic subject topic subject material matter topic matter topic material subject topic topic subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject topic subject subject topic subject material topic material matter subject subject matter subject topic matter topic topic subject material subject matter subject subject material subject matter subject material topic topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject topic subject subject material topic topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject topic material topic material subject subject subject material matter material topic subject subject matter topic topic subject subject material material subject topic material subject subject matter topic subject material material material topic matter subject matter topic subject matter subject matter matter subject topic subject matter topic subject topic topic topic material topic subject subject subject subject material topic subject material subject material matter subject subject subject material subject topic topic matter topic subject material material subject material subject topic subject material topic topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject subject subject matter material topic topic subject matter topic topic topic subject material topic topic subject subject material subject subject subject topic material matter topic topic subject material subject matter subject material topic subject topic subject matter topic subject subject material matter subject material topic subject topic material topic subject material subject subject topic material matter subject matter subject topic topic material subject matter topic topic topic material topic matter subject material subject topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject matter topic subject subject subject matter subject subject matter material matter topic subject topic material subject material subject matter material subject material topic subject topic subject subject subject subject matter subject subject subject matter topic material topic topic material matter material topic subject subject material matter topic subject subject subject subject material subject topic topic subject material subject topic subject material topic subject material topic topic subject material matter subject subject material subject material topic subject subject matter subject matter subject material subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject material matter subject topic subject matter subject topic material subject material subject matter matter topic subject matter subject material topic topic subject topic subject subject subject matter subject topic material topic subject material subject matter matter material subject material matter subject topic subject material material topic subject material subject subject matter topic subject topic topic subject material topic topic topic topic subject material topic topic subject subject subject matter topic topic material subject subject subject material topic subject subject matter matter subject topic topic topic subject subject subject subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject subject subject material material matter subject matter matter subject matter subject matter subject matter matter topic subject topic subject matter subject matter topic material subject topic topic topic subject material topic matter topic subject matter topic matter subject subject matter matter topic subject material material material material topic subject subject matter subject subject matter matter subject subject material subject subject subject material subject material topic subject topic material subject topic matter subject subject matter matter matter subject topic subject material subject material topic topic material subject subject matter topic material subject material subject topic subject topic topic material subject material topic material subject subject subject matter subject topic material subject topic topic topic subject matter topic topic subject subject material material material subject topic topic subject material topic material subject matter subject subject material matter topic material matter topic topic subject material subject topic subject matter subject material topic subject subject subject material matter topic topic topic material matter matter matter subject material subject topic matter topic subject topic subject matter topic topic subject material subject topic subject material matter matter subject material subject subject topic material topic subject matter subject subject topic subject material topic subject topic topic subject matter material topic subject material subject subject material matter matter material subject topic topic subject matter topic material topic material topic topic subject subject material matter subject subject material topic topic material matter subject topic subject material matter topic material topic matter topic subject subject material material topic material topic topic subject material topic subject subject material subject matter matter subject material subject subject subject material topic material matter subject topic topic subject material subject topic subject subject material subject matter topic material matter topic subject matter subject matter subject subject subject subject matter material topic topic subject material subject subject material matter subject matter topic subject matter subject subject topic matter material topic topic subject matter topic matter topic matter subject subject subject material topic subject matter subject matter material topic subject topic subject subject material material subject material topic subject subject material subject material matter subject topic material topic subject subject matter topic subject matter subject material matter subject subject matter subject topic subject subject material matter matter topic material subject matter subject matter topic subject subject topic topic topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject topic topic subject material topic matter matter topic subject material subject subject subject material subject matter topic material topic topic subject material subject subject matter subject topic topic subject material matter subject subject material subject topic subject subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject matter matter subject subject matter material topic topic subject material matter matter topic material topic topic subject subject material subject matter matter topic subject matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject material topic topic topic subject material topic subject material subject matter topic subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject material subject matter subject subject matter matter topic topic material subject subject matter matter material topic subject material topic subject material matter matter matter material matter matter material subject topic subject material subject subject material topic subject material topic matter subject material topic subject matter matter subject subject material subject subject subject material subject subject subject material material topic subject matter subject topic topic topic subject subject material subject matter subject material subject matter matter topic topic subject material matter material subject material matter subject subject subject topic subject matter topic material material subject subject matter topic matter subject material matter matter subject subject material topic material subject topic subject subject material topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject topic subject subject topic material topic subject topic topic subject matter topic subject material subject subject subject material material material topic subject material subject subject subject subject topic subject material subject material subject matter matter matter material topic subject topic subject matter subject subject matter subject topic subject subject topic material topic subject material subject topic topic material topic material topic subject material subject material subject matter matter subject material subject subject matter subject material topic subject subject material subject matter matter matter subject matter topic subject matter topic subject subject subject matter subject matter topic matter subject subject material subject subject material matter matter matter subject subject material subject subject matter matter subject matter subject subject material topic topic material topic subject material topic material subject topic topic subject material subject subject subject subject matter matter topic subject matter subject subject topic material matter topic matter subject matter topic topic material subject material matter subject topic subject matter matter topic subject subject matter subject subject subject material topic subject matter material matter subject subject matter subject subject material subject topic topic topic subject matter matter subject material topic subject material matter subject subject topic subject material topic subject material subject topic subject material matter subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter subject matter subject matter subject matter subject matter material subject material matter topic topic subject material subject subject material subject subject topic subject matter subject matter topic topic subject material material topic subject material subject subject matter subject topic subject matter matter topic subject matter subject subject matter subject material matter matter topic topic subject matter topic material topic topic topic material topic material subject subject material topic topic subject material matter topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject subject material matter matter material matter subject subject subject subject topic subject material matter subject material topic topic matter subject matter topic topic topic topic topic subject material topic subject subject matter topic topic subject topic subject material matter subject subject matter subject subject subject matter subject subject matter topic topic subject material topic topic topic subject material topic subject subject matter topic subject matter topic topic topic topic topic material topic material matter subject material subject topic subject subject material subject matter subject subject material topic material subject subject matter subject topic matter subject topic subject material matter subject material subject matter matter topic topic subject matter subject matter subject matter topic material matter matter topic subject matter topic subject subject material subject topic subject subject material topic topic topic matter subject matter subject subject matter subject subject material subject matter matter topic subject topic material topic topic subject subject matter material matter subject topic subject material matter matter topic topic subject matter material subject subject subject material subject matter topic subject subject material subject subject subject material topic matter subject material subject matter matter subject matter subject subject material material matter matter subject matter material subject subject subject subject material matter topic topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter subject matter topic matter matter subject material subject topic subject material subject matter subject matter subject topic subject subject material topic topic subject subject matter material matter subject topic topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject material matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject material topic material subject matter material subject subject material topic topic material topic topic subject topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject matter topic topic subject subject matter topic subject material topic topic topic topic subject material topic matter material topic subject subject material topic subject matter topic material subject material subject topic subject topic matter topic subject matter topic subject material subject subject material subject subject material topic subject matter material matter topic subject matter topic material matter subject subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject material topic topic subject matter matter topic topic subject matter subject subject topic subject material topic subject material topic material matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject material subject topic subject material topic material subject subject subject material matter material topic subject material matter subject material subject subject subject material subject subject matter subject matter matter topic matter subject subject material topic subject subject subject matter subject topic topic material subject material matter topic topic subject material subject topic material subject topic subject material matter topic material subject subject subject subject material matter topic subject material subject subject subject matter material topic matter subject topic subject matter subject subject material matter topic subject material topic matter subject subject subject matter topic subject material material topic material matter matter matter material topic subject material subject subject material subject material subject subject matter subject subject material topic subject subject material subject subject subject topic subject matter topic material topic material matter topic subject material subject subject matter subject matter topic subject subject subject material subject material subject matter topic subject matter matter subject topic topic subject material matter subject matter subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject matter subject matter matter topic topic material topic subject matter subject subject subject matter topic subject matter subject subject matter subject topic matter subject subject subject material topic material subject subject matter subject material topic subject subject material material topic subject subject material subject subject matter topic material subject topic material matter material subject subject topic topic subject material subject subject material topic subject subject subject subject subject material subject matter matter matter material topic matter subject topic subject matter subject subject subject material subject subject subject topic subject matter subject material matter topic subject material subject matter subject subject material matter subject subject subject matter subject matter matter subject topic subject matter topic topic topic subject matter topic matter material subject subject topic subject matter matter subject material subject subject matter subject matter subject subject topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject material subject subject material subject material subject topic subject subject matter topic subject topic subject matter subject subject material subject matter subject matter topic subject matter topic topic topic topic subject matter matter subject material matter topic subject subject material topic subject matter matter subject material subject material subject subject subject material topic subject topic matter subject material topic material matter material subject matter subject matter matter subject subject material matter material material matter subject matter material material topic topic subject matter matter topic subject subject topic material topic subject matter subject topic topic material topic topic material subject subject subject matter subject subject material matter subject subject subject subject material topic subject material subject material topic subject matter topic material subject subject material matter subject topic material material topic subject material subject material topic subject matter matter topic topic subject subject matter topic subject subject matter matter subject subject material topic material subject topic subject material matter material subject subject matter subject subject material subject topic matter subject matter matter topic subject matter topic material subject matter topic material subject topic material topic subject material topic material matter subject subject matter topic material topic subject material matter subject topic topic subject matter subject matter subject subject matter topic material topic subject topic material subject topic subject material topic subject material subject material subject topic topic subject matter topic topic subject topic subject subject matter subject topic subject subject topic subject subject material subject material subject topic material topic subject subject material subject subject matter topic topic subject material topic matter material subject topic topic subject matter subject subject material subject subject material topic subject subject subject material matter topic subject matter topic topic subject material topic matter topic topic topic material topic subject matter topic topic topic topic matter matter material matter material subject subject material subject subject material subject material topic topic subject material material subject subject material subject material topic topic topic subject material subject topic subject subject subject subject material topic subject material topic subject subject matter material topic matter subject matter topic matter subject material topic material subject topic subject topic topic material matter matter subject material topic matter subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject material subject subject subject material topic topic subject subject matter subject matter topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject matter subject subject subject material subject subject material topic subject material topic matter subject matter subject matter topic subject material topic subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject material matter topic material matter matter material subject matter subject matter subject topic topic subject matter matter subject matter subject material matter subject subject material topic subject material subject subject matter topic material topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject topic subject material topic topic subject matter material subject topic subject material topic subject matter subject material topic topic material topic topic topic material topic subject material subject material matter matter material subject subject subject matter matter subject matter topic matter material subject matter subject topic topic material topic topic subject subject subject subject subject matter topic topic subject subject matter subject subject material matter topic subject matter topic topic subject subject topic subject subject subject matter topic subject subject subject matter subject material topic subject matter subject material subject material topic material topic matter matter subject material subject topic subject material topic material subject subject material subject topic subject material subject topic subject material matter topic subject material matter topic subject matter topic subject subject subject topic subject material subject subject topic subject material subject material topic topic subject subject matter subject topic topic topic subject matter subject subject topic subject material topic subject topic subject material subject subject subject subject topic subject material subject topic subject subject material subject subject material matter subject subject subject subject matter subject material topic subject subject material subject topic subject material matter subject matter subject material subject topic subject topic subject material topic subject subject material matter topic material matter topic subject material subject topic matter subject material subject subject material topic material subject subject subject matter subject matter subject subject subject matter subject topic topic topic material subject subject subject matter topic subject matter matter topic topic subject material subject material matter subject matter subject subject subject matter matter subject matter topic subject subject material matter subject subject material subject matter topic topic subject matter topic subject subject subject subject material topic topic subject material matter subject subject material matter topic subject matter topic matter subject matter topic topic subject material subject material subject material subject material matter matter subject topic topic subject matter topic subject matter subject matter subject topic subject topic subject material subject material topic subject material subject topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject material subject material topic matter subject topic topic subject material subject topic subject material matter subject material subject subject topic subject matter subject matter topic subject material subject subject material topic subject subject material topic subject topic material subject subject material matter matter topic topic topic topic subject matter material subject subject material subject matter subject topic subject topic subject material topic subject topic topic subject material material topic subject matter subject subject material subject material matter topic subject topic matter material topic subject material subject subject subject subject subject matter subject topic topic subject material topic topic subject topic subject material subject subject subject material subject subject matter subject topic subject material matter material subject topic subject subject material topic topic matter material topic subject subject topic subject material topic topic subject material subject matter subject subject material matter subject matter material topic topic topic topic subject matter matter subject material matter topic material subject subject material subject material topic subject material subject topic topic subject subject subject topic material subject subject subject material topic matter topic material subject topic subject material subject matter topic matter subject matter topic topic matter subject matter topic subject topic subject material subject topic topic subject matter subject matter topic subject topic topic material subject matter subject matter matter topic topic topic material topic topic topic subject subject subject matter subject subject matter subject matter topic subject matter topic subject matter topic matter material matter topic matter topic subject matter subject subject matter material topic topic topic material matter topic matter subject material subject topic subject topic material subject material matter topic topic topic subject matter matter matter topic subject matter topic subject topic subject material subject matter topic subject matter matter topic subject subject subject material topic subject topic topic subject topic subject material matter subject subject subject matter topic subject subject topic material topic subject subject matter subject topic topic subject matter subject matter topic topic subject matter matter topic subject topic subject material subject material subject subject matter subject subject matter topic topic subject subject matter subject matter subject material subject matter topic topic material subject matter subject subject material topic material topic subject material subject material subject topic subject material topic topic subject material subject subject subject subject material subject matter topic matter matter topic subject matter subject subject material subject material topic topic subject matter subject matter topic subject topic subject matter topic topic topic subject material subject matter subject topic subject matter matter subject subject matter topic subject topic subject material subject subject subject matter matter matter subject matter topic material subject topic subject material subject material subject subject subject subject matter subject topic topic material material topic topic topic material topic topic subject material topic material subject subject material topic subject material topic topic topic subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject subject material subject subject topic topic subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material topic subject topic subject matter matter topic subject subject matter topic subject subject topic subject material subject matter topic subject topic subject material subject subject material topic subject matter matter topic topic subject material topic subject material topic topic subject topic subject subject matter topic topic topic topic subject material material subject matter subject subject matter topic subject subject matter topic subject subject subject subject matter topic matter subject subject material topic material topic matter material matter material subject matter matter matter subject material subject matter topic topic material subject matter topic material matter topic subject material matter matter subject matter subject topic topic subject matter material subject topic topic subject matter subject topic matter topic subject material topic topic matter topic subject material topic subject matter subject topic subject matter material subject subject material subject subject subject matter topic topic subject material subject topic material topic subject material matter subject topic topic subject subject material topic material topic subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject subject material subject subject material subject subject subject material subject subject material subject matter subject subject matter topic topic subject material topic topic topic topic subject material subject subject subject topic subject material topic subject material topic material matter matter subject material topic subject topic subject material topic subject material subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject matter subject topic subject matter matter topic subject subject subject subject matter topic subject subject subject matter topic matter matter subject matter topic material subject topic subject matter subject topic subject subject material subject material topic subject subject material subject topic subject matter subject subject material subject subject material subject topic subject matter matter topic subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject material subject material matter matter matter material matter material subject subject material matter topic topic subject matter matter subject matter matter material topic material topic matter subject material subject topic subject material subject topic subject material topic subject subject subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject subject matter subject material subject topic topic topic subject material subject material material topic subject material topic topic subject subject matter topic subject matter topic material subject material matter topic subject matter matter subject material subject topic topic subject material subject matter topic subject material subject topic topic subject matter topic subject subject subject matter topic topic subject subject material subject matter subject matter material subject subject material topic subject subject material subject subject material topic subject subject matter topic subject subject material topic topic subject subject topic subject matter topic subject subject material subject topic topic subject subject material subject matter topic subject subject matter subject subject subject matter topic subject subject material subject material topic subject subject material topic topic topic subject topic matter topic subject material material subject material topic material subject matter subject subject subject matter subject material subject material topic topic subject material topic subject material topic matter subject material subject material subject subject material subject subject subject material topic subject matter subject matter subject matter topic subject material matter material matter topic subject material subject subject subject subject matter topic topic topic subject material subject matter topic subject matter material topic subject subject matter topic subject subject material topic topic subject subject subject matter topic subject topic material subject material topic subject subject material subject material topic subject topic subject subject material topic topic topic topic subject material subject subject subject subject matter matter topic subject matter topic material matter topic material topic subject material topic matter matter material topic matter subject subject material topic subject matter matter subject subject topic matter subject material matter material subject material matter subject subject subject matter subject subject matter topic subject material subject subject matter subject material material subject topic topic subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject matter subject matter subject subject subject matter topic topic topic material subject material matter subject subject subject matter subject topic material subject material subject matter subject matter topic subject material subject material topic subject matter topic material topic topic topic material topic subject material subject material subject matter subject subject material topic subject topic subject subject material topic topic topic subject topic subject material topic subject material subject topic material matter matter subject matter topic material subject subject subject matter subject subject subject subject matter topic topic subject material material matter matter matter material subject material matter topic topic subject matter topic topic matter matter subject subject matter subject subject material topic subject matter topic subject matter topic topic subject matter subject matter topic subject subject matter subject matter material matter subject subject matter subject material topic subject subject material subject subject material subject topic subject topic matter topic subject material subject topic topic topic topic material subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject topic subject topic material topic subject subject matter matter topic topic material subject matter topic subject subject matter matter topic subject material matter topic subject subject subject matter topic topic topic material subject subject subject subject subject subject material topic topic subject matter subject topic material topic subject material subject subject topic topic material topic subject matter subject subject subject matter topic topic subject subject topic topic material topic subject matter subject subject material subject subject subject subject matter material topic subject matter subject subject material material subject subject matter subject subject material topic matter subject material material subject topic subject topic subject matter topic subject subject matter material topic material topic subject subject matter subject subject matter subject matter material subject matter topic subject subject subject subject matter matter subject material matter subject material subject topic material topic topic subject matter subject topic topic subject subject material subject subject topic material subject subject material topic topic subject matter subject subject matter subject matter matter matter subject subject matter topic subject subject topic subject material matter subject material subject material subject subject topic material topic matter subject material topic topic material topic subject material subject topic material topic matter topic material subject subject matter material subject subject material subject topic subject matter subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject matter subject subject subject subject matter subject subject subject subject subject subject matter topic topic topic material topic subject matter matter material matter topic topic subject material matter subject matter topic subject subject topic topic subject topic subject subject subject matter topic material subject subject subject matter subject matter material topic subject subject subject matter topic matter subject material subject subject subject matter subject material topic topic topic subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject topic material matter subject subject material matter subject material matter subject material topic subject matter subject material subject material topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic subject subject subject matter subject topic topic matter subject matter topic topic topic topic subject material topic topic subject matter subject topic topic topic subject matter matter topic topic subject subject material matter subject topic topic topic material subject topic matter subject material matter subject subject topic matter topic subject material matter matter subject topic material subject material matter topic subject subject matter subject matter topic subject material topic topic subject subject matter material topic material subject topic subject subject subject topic subject matter subject material matter topic topic material topic subject material matter topic subject matter topic subject subject material matter subject matter subject subject material topic material topic matter topic subject subject material topic subject topic subject matter subject subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject material subject subject subject subject material subject material subject topic topic subject matter topic subject material topic topic subject matter subject topic material topic topic topic subject subject matter topic material topic subject subject material matter topic topic subject subject material topic material topic topic subject matter topic subject matter subject material topic subject topic subject matter subject topic topic topic subject topic subject subject subject matter matter subject topic subject matter subject material subject topic subject matter subject topic topic subject matter subject topic material subject material subject topic topic subject material material topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject matter topic subject matter topic matter subject subject material subject topic topic subject subject material topic subject subject material subject material subject subject matter topic subject subject material subject topic subject matter matter subject matter matter subject topic topic subject material matter matter matter subject subject topic subject matter subject topic topic subject material subject topic subject subject matter matter topic subject subject matter matter matter subject matter subject material topic topic topic topic topic subject matter subject material topic material topic subject material subject material subject subject material topic subject matter matter topic material matter subject subject material matter matter material subject subject material topic matter subject matter subject matter subject matter subject material topic topic topic topic topic material topic material subject matter material subject subject subject matter topic subject material subject subject subject material topic subject matter topic matter subject material topic subject subject matter material material subject subject topic subject material subject topic subject matter subject material matter subject material matter subject subject matter subject material matter subject subject material matter topic subject material topic topic topic topic subject matter topic topic matter topic subject material subject subject topic material subject subject matter material subject subject subject topic material subject subject matter subject material material subject subject material subject topic subject material subject material topic matter subject subject material topic topic subject material subject subject topic topic subject material matter subject matter topic subject material topic topic subject subject topic subject matter subject material matter subject topic subject matter matter matter topic topic subject material topic subject subject topic subject material topic topic subject topic topic subject material subject material subject subject topic subject material subject topic topic topic subject material material matter subject matter subject subject material material topic topic topic material topic subject topic subject material subject material topic topic subject matter topic topic subject matter matter subject matter topic matter topic subject matter subject matter topic subject subject topic material subject matter topic topic subject material subject matter subject matter topic matter topic subject material subject subject material topic subject subject subject matter subject subject material subject subject subject topic subject material subject matter material subject matter matter topic subject matter topic subject material subject matter subject subject matter topic material topic topic subject subject subject material subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject matter topic subject matter matter subject material subject material subject subject matter matter topic subject subject material topic topic subject matter subject subject material matter material material subject subject subject subject matter matter subject material topic subject subject material subject subject material topic topic matter topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic topic material matter subject subject subject subject subject matter topic material material matter matter topic material topic subject material subject matter material subject subject subject matter topic subject subject material matter topic subject material subject matter subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject material topic subject material subject matter material subject subject material subject subject matter subject topic subject matter topic subject matter topic subject matter subject topic material topic topic subject subject material subject subject matter topic subject subject material subject material matter topic material matter topic subject subject material subject matter subject subject matter subject material matter subject matter topic material subject material topic subject topic subject subject subject material matter subject matter topic topic subject matter subject matter topic subject subject subject material subject matter subject subject matter topic topic subject material material material matter subject subject material subject matter material topic subject subject material subject material topic subject subject material matter material topic material matter topic subject subject material subject material topic subject matter topic matter material topic subject subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject matter subject material subject matter material subject topic subject topic subject subject matter topic subject subject material subject subject matter material subject material subject material subject matter subject matter subject topic material subject topic subject subject subject material subject subject matter subject material matter subject matter subject subject matter subject matter subject subject material material topic subject material topic subject subject material subject subject material topic material subject subject matter topic subject material topic topic subject matter topic topic matter matter subject topic subject topic topic topic topic material topic topic material topic topic subject subject material subject matter material topic subject subject subject matter subject topic subject subject material topic subject material subject subject subject subject matter subject subject material subject topic topic subject matter matter topic matter subject matter subject matter topic subject subject matter topic topic topic subject matter subject matter topic subject matter subject material subject matter topic topic subject matter topic topic material topic topic topic subject material topic subject matter topic material matter matter subject material subject subject material material topic subject subject subject material subject subject topic subject matter matter matter material subject subject material topic subject material topic subject subject material topic subject subject material matter matter topic subject matter subject matter topic matter subject matter subject material matter matter subject subject material subject matter topic subject topic subject material subject matter matter subject subject matter topic subject material matter subject subject material subject material topic subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject subject subject material subject matter subject subject topic topic topic subject subject material subject subject subject topic subject subject matter topic subject subject material matter topic topic subject matter matter matter topic material topic matter matter topic subject material subject subject matter subject material subject topic topic subject subject matter subject matter subject matter topic subject material matter subject subject subject material matter topic subject subject material topic topic material topic subject topic subject material subject subject material matter subject subject matter subject material matter matter subject subject subject matter subject matter topic subject topic subject matter material topic subject matter subject subject material topic topic matter subject material subject subject topic topic material topic subject material subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject subject subject matter topic material topic subject subject topic material subject topic subject subject topic material subject material matter subject topic material subject matter topic matter subject material topic subject matter subject topic subject material topic topic material matter topic subject topic topic subject subject topic topic subject subject matter subject subject material subject subject topic subject material subject matter subject matter topic topic subject material material subject material subject matter subject matter matter subject subject topic material subject topic topic subject material topic material matter material subject matter subject material matter matter material matter subject topic subject subject subject material matter matter material topic topic topic topic subject matter matter material subject material matter matter material subject matter matter subject topic subject material topic subject material topic matter subject topic matter topic subject matter topic subject material matter subject subject subject material subject matter subject subject subject matter topic subject topic subject subject matter matter matter material matter subject matter topic material subject topic subject subject material topic material matter topic subject material subject material topic subject subject matter subject topic topic topic material matter topic topic subject matter subject subject material matter subject material topic material subject material subject subject material subject material topic subject subject subject material material topic topic subject subject matter matter subject matter subject matter material subject material subject subject material topic matter topic subject subject material topic subject material topic material subject material topic matter subject matter topic subject subject subject matter topic subject matter subject subject subject subject subject matter matter subject subject subject subject matter subject topic subject matter subject matter subject material subject subject subject subject matter topic matter subject material matter matter subject subject material topic matter topic topic material topic subject subject topic subject topic subject matter topic subject material matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject material subject matter subject subject material subject topic subject material topic subject subject matter topic subject matter matter topic subject material matter subject topic subject subject matter topic subject subject matter subject subject material matter topic subject subject matter topic subject material topic subject matter material subject material matter topic subject matter subject subject material subject matter subject matter subject subject material subject subject subject material matter subject topic matter subject material subject matter topic topic topic subject subject matter topic topic subject matter topic topic subject subject subject subject subject material subject material subject subject material matter subject matter subject subject subject material topic topic subject topic subject matter subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject topic subject topic subject material subject subject subject material topic subject subject topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject topic material subject subject topic subject material topic topic subject subject matter matter subject material subject subject subject matter matter topic subject matter topic subject matter subject matter subject subject material subject topic topic subject matter subject matter matter subject material topic subject topic material subject matter subject material topic subject subject subject material subject subject material subject matter topic material material topic topic subject topic topic subject material topic subject matter subject subject subject material subject topic subject material subject subject matter subject matter matter subject material matter subject matter topic subject matter matter topic subject matter topic subject topic subject topic subject material topic material topic matter subject matter topic topic topic material subject subject subject matter subject material subject subject subject matter topic topic subject matter topic subject material subject subject material topic subject subject subject material topic topic subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject material topic topic topic subject matter topic topic subject matter topic subject material topic subject topic topic material subject topic subject material topic subject matter topic topic topic material matter topic subject subject material subject subject matter topic topic subject material subject material topic matter subject material matter subject subject matter subject subject material topic subject matter matter subject subject subject subject material topic subject topic subject material material subject matter subject subject material topic topic material topic subject material topic material topic matter matter subject matter subject material matter subject material topic subject subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject material topic subject matter topic subject material subject topic matter topic material subject subject matter subject subject topic subject matter matter subject material topic subject subject matter subject subject topic subject material matter subject subject material subject subject subject subject subject material topic topic matter topic subject matter subject topic topic subject topic topic subject material subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject matter matter subject matter matter subject matter topic subject subject matter matter topic subject subject matter topic subject topic subject material subject subject material topic topic topic matter subject matter material subject topic material matter material matter topic subject material subject matter topic topic subject topic subject subject matter topic matter subject matter subject subject subject matter topic subject subject material subject material topic subject subject matter topic topic subject topic subject matter subject topic topic subject matter topic material subject material matter subject material subject material topic subject subject topic subject matter topic matter subject subject material matter subject material subject topic topic subject material subject topic subject matter subject subject matter topic matter subject material topic subject material subject subject material matter matter topic topic subject material subject subject matter subject material subject subject matter topic material material subject material topic topic material subject matter subject material matter subject topic material subject subject subject topic subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic matter material topic subject material subject matter subject material subject material subject material topic topic subject subject matter topic topic topic material subject topic subject subject material subject subject topic material subject subject matter material subject topic matter subject subject subject material subject material matter topic subject material subject topic material subject matter subject material topic subject topic subject material topic topic material subject topic topic material topic subject material topic topic subject topic material subject matter topic topic topic material topic topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject material topic subject topic topic subject subject matter topic topic topic material topic topic subject subject material topic topic subject matter subject matter subject subject material matter subject matter subject material subject material topic topic topic topic subject subject matter subject topic subject subject material subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject topic topic subject matter subject subject subject matter matter matter topic material topic subject matter topic subject subject subject subject material matter subject topic subject material topic topic matter subject material matter subject material subject topic subject topic subject material subject matter subject subject matter topic topic material subject matter subject subject subject subject subject matter topic material topic subject material topic subject topic subject material topic material matter subject topic subject matter topic topic topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject subject material subject subject subject matter subject subject subject subject material subject topic topic topic material subject material topic subject matter topic material matter subject topic material subject matter topic material subject material topic subject subject topic material matter subject matter subject material topic topic material matter topic topic topic subject material topic subject topic subject material subject topic material topic material topic subject matter subject material subject matter subject matter topic subject subject material subject subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject material matter topic subject topic subject material topic topic topic subject topic subject material subject matter subject matter material topic subject subject subject subject matter topic topic topic subject material subject subject material topic subject matter subject material subject topic topic topic material topic matter material subject material topic subject subject matter subject matter matter topic subject subject matter topic topic topic subject topic topic material topic subject topic subject matter matter subject matter subject subject topic material topic subject material subject topic topic material subject matter matter matter matter subject material topic material topic matter matter subject subject subject material subject matter subject material topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject matter matter subject subject matter subject subject material material topic subject subject material matter topic topic subject material topic subject subject subject material subject topic material subject matter matter subject matter topic subject subject matter subject topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic subject subject subject material subject topic subject topic subject matter topic subject material matter topic subject subject matter material topic subject material subject material topic topic subject material subject topic topic subject matter subject material subject subject material subject subject subject material matter subject matter topic subject material matter topic subject subject material subject subject material subject subject material subject topic matter matter subject matter topic material subject subject subject subject topic subject matter topic topic matter subject subject matter subject material topic subject topic subject subject material subject material topic subject subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject material topic matter matter subject subject matter matter subject matter subject material topic topic subject matter topic matter topic material topic subject matter material subject matter topic matter topic subject material topic subject matter subject material topic subject material topic subject material topic matter subject material topic subject subject matter subject topic subject subject matter subject matter material subject material topic topic material subject subject subject matter topic subject topic topic material subject topic matter topic topic subject material subject topic subject subject subject material matter topic topic subject material subject subject matter topic matter subject subject subject material matter subject subject matter subject subject material subject topic topic material material material topic subject material subject matter subject subject material subject subject subject material subject material topic subject matter subject subject subject subject matter subject material material topic subject topic material subject material subject matter matter subject matter topic subject topic subject material subject topic topic topic material subject matter topic subject matter topic topic matter topic matter subject matter matter matter topic subject subject matter topic matter matter material matter topic topic topic subject matter subject material subject material topic subject material subject material matter matter subject subject material topic material subject topic topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject subject matter subject subject matter topic subject topic material matter matter subject material matter topic topic material subject subject subject matter topic material topic subject topic material subject subject material subject matter subject material subject matter topic subject subject material topic matter topic subject material subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject subject matter subject matter subject matter matter matter subject subject subject matter topic subject material matter subject matter subject material material topic topic matter topic subject matter matter subject subject material subject subject material matter topic subject subject matter matter subject subject subject material material subject topic topic topic subject material topic matter subject subject matter topic subject material matter material subject matter material subject subject topic topic subject matter topic topic subject matter subject matter topic topic subject material subject matter subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject matter subject matter subject material subject material topic subject topic subject matter subject matter subject matter topic matter subject material subject matter topic material matter subject topic subject subject matter subject topic subject topic subject material subject subject material subject topic topic topic topic subject material subject subject matter topic subject material topic subject topic subject subject matter matter subject subject subject material subject subject subject subject matter topic subject material matter material material topic subject subject topic matter subject material matter topic topic subject subject subject matter topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject matter topic topic subject matter matter matter subject material topic subject subject matter subject material subject subject material topic subject material matter topic matter subject material subject subject matter subject topic material subject topic material material topic topic topic topic material topic subject subject material matter matter subject topic material matter matter subject subject matter subject matter matter subject matter matter material matter subject subject material subject subject material matter matter topic material material material subject matter subject subject material matter subject material subject subject material matter matter topic topic subject subject subject subject material topic subject material topic subject subject matter matter matter topic matter topic topic subject matter subject material subject matter subject matter subject subject subject subject material subject topic subject subject subject material subject topic topic subject matter subject matter topic subject matter subject material matter subject matter topic subject subject subject material topic subject material topic material subject matter subject material subject subject subject material subject subject matter matter topic topic topic subject material subject subject topic subject subject material material topic material topic subject topic material topic subject material matter material topic subject material subject subject subject subject matter subject material matter material matter subject matter subject topic topic subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject subject subject subject material topic subject subject topic material matter subject material subject matter subject subject subject matter subject material subject subject material material subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic topic subject subject material matter subject subject matter subject material matter topic subject topic topic topic subject material topic subject material topic matter subject material matter subject subject matter topic subject subject subject topic subject material subject subject subject material matter subject topic topic subject subject subject subject material topic subject matter topic subject material topic topic matter topic subject material topic subject material matter material subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject subject topic topic matter subject subject material subject topic subject material matter subject material topic matter material topic subject subject subject matter subject subject material matter material subject matter subject material matter subject subject material matter subject topic material matter subject matter subject subject material material subject subject material subject subject topic material matter subject material subject matter topic topic subject subject matter subject topic subject material topic topic subject subject material subject subject matter material topic topic matter topic material subject subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject subject material subject subject topic subject material matter topic subject subject matter topic matter topic subject matter topic topic material subject subject material subject matter subject matter material material topic topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject matter subject subject material material matter topic subject matter matter subject subject matter matter subject subject material topic topic material topic subject material subject subject subject topic material topic topic material topic subject topic material topic topic subject material subject matter subject material subject topic subject subject material topic topic subject subject matter subject material matter subject matter matter matter subject matter subject subject material topic subject topic topic material topic topic subject material topic subject matter subject topic subject topic subject material matter subject material matter subject matter topic subject material topic material topic topic topic topic subject matter subject subject topic topic subject material matter subject subject topic topic subject matter topic matter topic matter subject matter subject subject subject material topic material subject subject matter topic subject subject matter material topic subject matter topic topic subject topic topic topic material subject matter subject subject subject material subject subject subject subject matter matter subject subject material topic matter subject subject matter subject topic material matter subject matter topic subject subject material topic topic subject material topic material subject subject material subject matter topic matter subject subject topic subject matter subject topic subject matter subject subject material material topic subject topic subject subject matter subject subject material subject matter subject subject matter subject subject topic subject matter matter subject subject material matter subject material matter topic subject material topic material matter material topic topic subject matter subject material matter topic subject subject material subject topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject material topic subject material subject topic subject matter topic topic subject matter subject topic matter material topic subject subject subject material subject subject material subject subject matter material topic subject material subject matter topic subject topic subject subject subject material matter subject material subject topic subject subject material topic topic topic matter subject material subject subject matter subject material material matter subject material subject topic subject matter matter topic subject material subject subject material subject subject subject subject matter subject subject subject topic topic subject matter subject subject matter subject subject material topic topic material topic topic topic subject subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject subject topic subject subject matter material topic subject matter matter subject topic subject material matter matter matter subject material topic topic material matter matter topic material subject subject subject subject subject material matter topic subject matter subject subject material matter subject subject matter subject material subject subject material topic subject subject material topic topic topic topic subject topic subject matter subject subject matter topic material subject subject subject matter subject matter topic material topic subject material topic matter subject material subject material subject subject subject matter material topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject subject topic subject topic subject matter subject material topic subject topic subject material subject matter subject matter subject subject matter subject matter topic material matter matter subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject topic topic topic subject material subject subject material subject material subject subject subject subject material topic subject subject material matter material topic subject material subject matter subject subject subject material subject material subject matter topic topic subject subject matter matter subject topic matter topic matter subject subject material subject subject topic subject material subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject material topic matter topic topic material subject matter topic topic subject matter topic subject subject material subject subject subject matter topic topic topic material topic subject topic subject subject subject material topic subject subject subject material subject subject subject topic material topic matter material subject subject material topic subject subject subject subject material matter topic subject topic subject matter subject material topic subject topic topic subject subject subject material topic subject material subject matter subject subject matter subject material matter subject topic topic material subject topic topic subject matter subject material topic topic topic subject material topic subject subject subject matter topic topic topic subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject matter topic subject subject material subject subject material subject matter subject subject subject matter subject subject matter topic subject material topic matter topic topic subject material subject subject topic subject subject matter topic subject topic matter subject topic subject topic subject matter topic topic subject subject subject matter topic topic material subject topic subject topic subject matter topic subject material subject topic matter subject material topic matter subject material topic topic subject material material subject subject matter topic topic topic subject subject topic subject subject material matter topic subject material subject subject material topic subject matter topic subject matter subject topic subject subject material topic subject topic subject topic subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject subject topic subject matter topic topic matter subject subject subject material material matter subject matter subject subject matter matter subject matter material subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter material subject topic material topic topic matter subject material subject material topic matter topic matter subject material subject subject topic subject material topic matter topic matter topic subject subject matter subject topic matter subject topic material topic subject matter topic matter matter subject subject material subject topic subject subject subject topic subject matter topic topic subject topic subject matter subject topic topic material topic subject material subject subject topic subject material topic topic subject matter subject subject matter topic matter topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter subject topic subject topic material matter topic topic topic matter matter material matter subject matter topic matter subject topic material subject topic subject subject subject material subject topic material matter subject topic subject matter topic matter subject subject material topic subject material topic subject subject matter matter topic material topic subject material subject material subject matter matter matter subject material topic topic topic subject topic subject material subject matter subject material matter subject subject topic topic subject matter subject material topic subject topic subject matter subject topic material topic subject topic topic material matter subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject topic material subject material subject matter subject subject matter topic subject matter subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject topic topic topic subject matter matter subject topic topic topic subject subject matter topic topic topic matter topic matter subject matter subject subject material matter subject material topic topic subject subject material subject subject material topic topic topic topic material topic subject material matter topic subject matter subject matter subject matter topic subject matter subject subject subject topic material subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject topic topic subject material topic subject material topic subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject subject subject material subject material subject subject matter matter subject material subject material subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject subject material topic subject matter topic subject material subject topic topic topic material subject subject material topic subject material subject topic subject material matter topic subject subject matter subject subject topic subject matter subject subject material subject subject subject matter topic material topic subject topic material topic subject subject matter subject matter subject topic subject subject matter matter subject topic subject subject matter topic subject topic topic subject matter topic topic material subject matter matter material matter topic subject material matter subject subject subject subject subject matter subject subject material topic topic topic matter topic material topic material subject topic subject subject matter matter subject material topic topic subject matter subject material topic topic subject subject subject subject material matter subject subject topic subject material topic topic subject material topic matter matter material matter subject matter material subject matter subject matter matter material topic topic material topic subject material topic subject material topic subject material matter matter topic subject matter subject topic subject material material topic subject subject material matter subject matter matter subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject material subject topic matter topic subject material topic subject subject material subject subject material matter matter subject subject material matter subject matter matter topic subject material topic 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topic subject subject material material matter subject matter subject subject material subject material topic matter subject material subject subject subject matter matter subject material subject matter subject topic material topic subject subject matter topic matter subject topic subject material topic subject material topic matter topic topic material subject subject subject subject subject matter subject material subject matter topic matter subject material matter subject material subject matter matter subject subject material matter material topic subject matter topic subject topic topic material subject matter topic material subject subject material subject matter matter subject material subject subject subject topic material topic topic matter topic material subject subject topic material subject material subject matter subject material topic matter topic topic topic subject material subject topic topic topic topic material subject subject subject topic subject subject material subject matter matter subject subject material material matter topic subject material subject matter topic topic subject material subject matter matter subject material subject material topic subject matter topic subject topic subject material subject subject matter topic topic topic subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject material subject subject material topic subject topic subject matter matter topic material subject matter subject material topic subject topic subject material subject subject material matter subject subject subject material matter subject topic material subject topic material topic topic material subject topic subject topic subject material topic matter matter material topic matter matter material topic topic matter matter subject matter subject material topic matter topic subject material topic subject topic topic material subject subject matter subject topic subject topic subject matter subject material matter material matter topic subject matter subject topic subject material material material subject subject subject topic topic subject material topic topic subject matter matter subject topic topic material subject material topic subject material material subject subject subject material topic topic subject matter subject matter topic topic subject subject material subject subject subject topic subject subject material subject subject subject topic subject matter subject material topic topic subject material topic topic subject topic subject matter subject topic topic topic subject subject matter topic subject subject material topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject topic subject material matter topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject matter topic topic subject topic topic subject matter topic topic topic subject matter subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter subject topic material topic topic subject material subject topic material topic subject topic subject material subject material subject matter matter subject matter topic subject matter material material subject material subject subject material matter subject matter topic material topic subject material topic subject matter subject topic subject subject topic matter matter subject material subject topic topic subject material material subject matter topic subject topic subject matter subject topic subject matter subject material topic subject matter matter topic subject material subject matter subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject material subject subject subject material subject subject material matter topic matter topic subject material subject subject subject material subject topic topic material material matter matter topic material subject matter matter subject subject topic subject material subject subject subject matter subject matter matter subject material subject topic material subject subject subject matter topic topic subject subject matter topic topic material topic matter subject subject matter subject material matter matter subject material material subject subject material topic subject topic material topic material topic topic subject material topic topic matter subject material subject subject matter subject matter topic subject matter matter topic topic subject subject matter topic subject matter subject material topic subject material material subject matter subject topic subject matter subject topic topic subject material topic subject material subject subject topic subject topic topic topic subject subject material topic subject subject material subject matter topic topic material topic matter topic subject subject material subject material topic subject material subject material topic subject matter material subject matter subject subject material topic subject matter subject material topic topic topic subject matter matter material subject matter subject matter matter subject material subject subject topic matter subject matter subject matter topic subject matter topic matter subject material subject topic subject matter subject material topic material matter topic subject subject matter topic topic topic topic topic subject material topic subject subject material topic topic subject subject matter matter material subject subject subject matter matter subject material topic subject material topic subject topic topic subject matter topic subject subject material matter subject topic matter topic material subject material subject matter topic topic subject matter material material subject material matter topic subject matter subject matter subject subject material subject matter subject subject matter topic subject topic topic topic matter subject matter topic subject subject material subject subject material subject subject subject material subject material topic matter material matter subject material topic subject topic subject matter subject matter topic material subject subject subject material subject matter subject subject material topic matter subject material topic subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject subject material subject matter subject material subject subject topic subject matter subject matter subject matter topic topic material topic topic topic subject subject material topic topic material subject matter subject material topic matter subject material matter topic subject matter material subject subject subject subject material subject topic topic subject matter material matter topic subject subject subject matter subject matter subject subject topic subject material topic topic subject material matter subject subject topic subject material material topic topic subject matter subject subject material topic subject matter matter subject subject matter topic subject matter matter subject subject matter matter matter subject subject material topic topic subject subject matter matter subject matter subject matter subject material topic topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject matter subject matter subject material subject topic subject topic subject subject matter subject material subject subject topic subject material topic topic matter material matter material topic material topic matter subject matter topic material matter topic subject subject material subject topic topic matter subject matter topic subject matter subject topic subject subject material topic subject material matter topic material topic topic topic topic subject subject material topic subject subject subject matter matter subject material material topic topic material subject subject subject material matter topic subject material topic subject subject material subject topic topic topic subject material topic matter topic topic subject material material topic matter topic subject material subject topic material subject subject subject matter subject topic matter subject material topic subject topic material subject material topic subject subject matter matter topic matter topic subject material subject subject material subject topic material matter topic subject matter topic subject material matter subject matter topic topic subject matter matter subject subject subject matter subject subject matter topic subject matter subject material subject subject subject material subject subject matter subject matter subject subject subject material subject subject subject matter topic matter subject matter topic topic material subject material topic subject material matter matter subject topic subject matter matter material subject subject matter subject matter subject matter subject topic subject subject matter topic topic topic subject subject subject material subject matter material topic subject material matter subject subject material topic topic matter matter material subject subject matter matter subject material topic matter matter subject subject material subject topic material topic matter matter subject matter material topic matter subject matter subject subject topic subject material topic subject material subject topic material subject subject topic material material matter subject material topic subject matter topic material subject matter topic subject matter subject subject matter subject topic topic topic subject material subject material topic matter topic subject matter matter topic subject subject material subject subject subject subject subject material subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject subject matter material matter topic material topic topic matter subject material subject matter subject matter subject material topic subject subject subject subject matter subject matter matter subject material topic subject material topic matter material topic material subject subject topic material subject topic topic subject material subject subject topic subject matter topic topic subject subject topic subject topic subject topic material subject topic topic topic subject material subject topic subject topic subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject subject subject material subject topic material topic topic matter matter topic topic material topic topic matter topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic subject topic subject matter topic subject material subject matter subject matter topic material topic topic topic subject material subject topic subject matter topic topic topic topic subject subject matter subject subject matter subject subject subject subject material subject subject matter subject subject material topic subject matter matter topic matter subject matter topic material matter topic subject matter topic subject subject topic subject matter material subject topic subject subject topic subject material matter subject matter topic subject subject subject matter subject topic subject subject subject matter subject topic material matter topic material matter matter matter subject subject topic material subject subject material subject subject subject material topic matter subject topic matter subject matter material subject matter subject material subject material subject topic subject subject material matter subject subject subject subject material subject matter subject subject material subject material subject topic subject material subject subject material topic matter topic material topic matter subject subject subject material topic topic subject matter subject topic matter topic subject material topic subject subject subject topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject matter subject material subject matter topic subject subject matter topic material subject matter subject subject matter subject subject subject matter subject subject material matter topic material subject matter subject matter subject subject subject subject material subject topic topic subject subject subject matter subject subject material subject material subject matter topic subject material subject topic topic topic material topic topic topic subject material topic subject material topic subject topic subject material matter topic matter subject material matter matter subject subject material subject topic material matter topic subject matter matter subject subject material matter topic subject matter subject matter topic topic subject topic subject material subject topic subject subject topic material matter matter subject subject matter subject topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject subject material topic material subject matter matter subject topic matter subject matter matter matter topic topic material subject subject subject matter subject topic topic topic material topic subject subject subject material subject matter subject subject matter subject topic topic subject matter subject topic matter topic subject material subject subject subject material subject topic topic subject matter matter subject matter topic material topic subject matter topic subject subject topic topic matter topic topic subject matter subject subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject matter subject matter subject matter material topic topic subject matter subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject material subject material topic subject subject material matter topic subject matter subject matter subject subject subject subject topic material subject subject matter material subject topic subject material topic subject matter matter topic subject material subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject subject subject material material topic subject subject material subject subject matter matter topic subject material subject subject subject matter topic topic subject matter topic subject matter topic matter topic material topic matter topic material topic topic subject topic topic material topic material matter subject topic subject subject material subject matter subject material subject matter topic subject matter matter topic subject material subject subject subject topic topic material subject topic subject matter topic material subject subject subject subject matter topic matter topic material subject subject matter material subject subject subject matter subject material matter topic subject material subject matter matter subject topic subject material subject matter subject topic subject matter matter subject matter material subject material topic subject material topic material matter topic subject subject matter topic matter topic subject matter subject matter topic subject matter topic material matter subject material subject matter subject topic topic material material topic material topic matter subject material subject topic matter material matter topic material topic topic subject matter material subject topic topic topic subject material matter subject matter subject matter topic topic topic subject material subject topic matter subject topic subject material topic topic topic material topic subject subject subject material topic subject matter subject topic subject matter subject topic topic subject subject material topic subject subject subject material subject material subject material matter topic subject subject material subject topic subject material topic topic topic subject material topic subject material matter topic matter topic subject matter matter topic topic subject topic material subject subject subject subject material subject subject subject subject material topic topic subject subject subject matter topic subject matter subject topic topic material topic topic topic material topic subject subject matter subject matter subject topic topic material matter topic topic subject matter topic subject material subject material subject material topic subject topic material matter topic subject topic topic subject subject matter topic subject subject topic subject topic material subject subject subject matter subject matter subject topic matter topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic topic subject material matter subject subject matter subject material matter subject subject material subject subject material subject material subject matter subject matter topic subject topic material topic topic subject material topic subject topic topic subject material subject matter topic subject topic subject subject material topic topic subject topic subject subject material subject matter matter material matter subject subject material matter topic subject topic subject material topic matter subject material subject subject material subject subject matter subject subject matter topic subject subject subject matter topic topic matter subject material topic subject subject subject matter topic topic material subject material subject matter subject subject topic subject matter matter subject subject matter topic topic material subject subject topic subject subject matter subject subject subject subject matter subject subject topic subject matter subject matter subject subject subject material material topic subject matter topic material matter subject topic subject matter subject matter subject material subject topic material topic material subject subject matter subject material topic topic topic subject subject material matter matter subject material subject subject material subject subject subject topic topic subject material subject subject material topic material topic topic subject material topic subject topic matter subject material matter subject matter material subject topic material matter topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic material subject subject subject material topic subject subject material topic matter subject topic subject material matter subject subject matter topic topic matter subject topic topic topic subject material subject material topic subject subject matter subject topic subject material subject matter subject subject matter subject subject subject material topic topic material matter topic subject subject material material subject subject topic subject subject matter subject material subject topic subject material topic topic subject matter subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject matter topic subject material matter matter subject topic topic material matter topic subject topic topic material subject topic topic material subject subject subject matter subject matter subject material topic subject subject material subject matter topic topic subject material topic matter subject topic material matter topic subject matter topic subject material subject subject material subject topic subject material subject matter topic subject matter matter matter topic subject matter topic matter matter topic topic subject material subject material matter subject matter topic subject material topic subject material topic material subject subject topic subject material subject subject subject subject material topic topic subject material topic topic matter subject subject matter subject subject subject topic matter subject material subject material subject subject topic subject material material subject subject topic topic subject matter subject matter subject subject matter topic topic subject material topic material subject subject material topic topic topic matter subject matter subject matter matter subject material topic material topic topic matter subject material subject subject material subject topic subject topic subject material topic subject topic topic subject material subject subject matter material subject subject matter subject matter subject subject subject subject matter topic topic material topic topic topic subject matter subject subject matter subject subject subject subject material material subject subject material material subject material matter subject subject matter topic topic subject material subject subject subject matter subject material subject matter topic material subject matter topic subject matter subject matter topic subject matter topic subject subject matter matter subject matter matter topic subject material topic subject matter matter subject subject subject subject matter subject topic subject subject material topic topic subject topic subject material matter topic subject topic subject material topic subject subject subject matter topic topic subject matter matter subject subject matter topic material subject topic subject material topic topic subject matter subject matter subject matter topic topic subject subject material subject material topic subject material subject subject topic subject subject subject matter matter topic matter subject subject matter matter topic subject material subject matter subject subject subject subject material matter subject subject material topic topic topic subject material topic material subject material matter subject subject matter subject topic material topic subject matter subject topic matter subject material topic subject matter matter subject material subject matter topic matter subject matter subject subject subject material subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject material subject material matter topic subject subject subject matter subject topic subject material matter topic topic subject material subject subject matter topic material matter subject subject matter topic subject matter topic matter subject matter topic topic subject matter subject subject material subject topic topic subject matter subject material subject subject topic subject subject matter matter subject topic topic topic subject material subject subject material topic subject material subject material subject subject matter topic material matter subject subject material matter topic subject subject material subject subject topic material subject matter matter topic subject matter topic subject material subject subject matter subject subject matter matter subject subject subject matter subject material matter topic subject material subject subject matter subject material matter matter subject material topic subject matter topic topic topic subject matter matter subject material matter topic material subject topic subject material subject material material matter topic topic material matter topic subject matter matter topic material topic subject matter subject topic subject matter topic topic topic subject subject matter topic matter material matter subject subject material subject material subject topic subject subject material subject subject subject material subject subject matter subject topic subject material matter subject material subject subject topic subject material matter topic subject topic subject matter topic material subject material topic topic topic subject material subject topic subject subject topic subject matter matter subject material subject subject subject matter subject subject material matter topic subject material matter subject subject matter subject subject topic topic subject matter subject material subject material material topic subject material matter subject material subject subject matter topic topic subject material subject topic subject subject material subject matter matter matter subject material matter subject matter subject matter subject topic subject subject matter matter material topic subject subject subject subject material matter subject topic matter matter subject matter topic subject matter matter subject subject material material subject material topic subject subject material subject subject subject topic matter topic subject subject material topic subject material matter topic subject matter subject subject subject matter matter topic material topic topic topic material topic topic subject material subject topic subject material topic topic matter subject material subject topic subject matter subject topic subject material topic subject material subject subject material subject subject subject matter matter subject subject matter subject material matter topic subject material topic topic topic topic matter subject matter topic subject matter topic subject subject material subject matter subject matter topic topic topic material subject subject material material subject subject material topic subject material topic material matter matter topic topic topic subject material topic subject topic topic topic subject material topic material subject matter matter subject material subject topic subject subject topic subject material topic subject matter matter topic topic topic subject subject matter matter subject matter topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject subject matter subject subject material matter topic subject matter subject matter subject topic subject matter topic topic subject material subject matter topic topic topic subject subject material matter topic matter matter topic matter topic topic material topic subject subject material subject subject subject subject material subject topic subject subject matter matter subject matter topic matter subject subject matter subject subject subject subject matter topic material topic matter topic subject matter topic topic subject topic subject matter matter matter topic subject material topic subject topic subject material matter topic subject matter matter subject topic matter subject material subject matter subject subject material topic subject material matter subject topic material subject material matter matter topic topic subject material topic subject subject subject topic subject topic subject material matter subject topic subject material subject subject matter subject material subject matter subject matter matter topic subject matter topic matter material subject topic subject matter matter subject matter subject matter topic subject subject matter subject matter subject subject material material subject topic topic subject matter topic subject subject matter subject subject material subject topic subject material topic subject subject matter topic subject material topic subject material subject material subject topic topic material subject subject material matter subject subject material subject topic subject material subject topic topic subject matter subject material subject subject subject subject subject material subject subject subject topic topic subject subject subject material topic subject matter topic subject subject material subject matter subject matter material subject matter subject matter subject subject material matter subject subject matter topic subject topic matter subject matter subject topic topic matter topic subject matter topic matter matter subject matter subject material matter subject material matter topic material topic topic subject subject material topic subject material topic topic subject material matter subject topic subject topic subject matter topic subject matter subject topic topic subject matter subject material topic material subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject matter subject material subject subject topic matter material subject topic subject subject material topic subject subject topic matter topic subject material material subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject subject material subject subject subject topic subject subject material subject material topic subject subject material topic topic material subject matter subject matter topic topic subject matter topic subject matter subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject matter topic subject material subject matter material topic topic subject subject matter matter topic material topic subject subject matter subject subject matter subject subject topic topic material subject topic subject topic topic subject material topic material subject material subject subject matter matter subject subject material subject subject material topic subject topic subject material matter subject subject material matter subject material topic topic subject matter subject subject material topic matter subject matter topic topic subject matter matter topic material subject material subject material subject subject topic subject matter subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject subject material subject topic subject subject material subject topic subject subject material subject material topic topic material matter subject matter subject subject subject matter subject material matter topic topic subject material topic material topic subject subject material subject topic subject material subject matter subject matter matter subject subject subject matter topic material subject subject subject matter topic matter topic subject subject material topic subject material subject subject subject material topic topic subject subject material topic topic topic topic subject subject matter subject topic subject material subject topic topic subject material topic subject subject material topic subject topic topic matter subject material subject subject matter subject material subject material matter topic subject subject material matter subject matter subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject matter matter matter topic subject subject matter material topic topic matter topic subject matter subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject subject matter subject topic subject matter subject matter subject material matter subject matter matter material subject material topic subject subject matter matter matter subject matter subject matter topic topic subject material topic matter subject subject material subject matter topic topic matter material subject topic topic material subject subject matter matter subject subject material matter matter subject material topic subject matter topic matter topic subject matter matter material matter topic subject topic subject material matter topic subject subject material subject matter subject matter topic subject matter subject subject topic material topic subject matter subject topic material subject material subject topic material topic material subject matter subject topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject subject matter subject subject matter subject subject matter subject matter matter subject topic subject subject subject matter subject material topic subject material topic topic subject subject matter material subject matter topic material subject subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject subject material subject topic topic subject matter subject matter subject subject topic topic subject material topic subject subject material subject subject material subject subject subject subject matter topic material subject subject topic subject material material subject subject matter matter subject subject subject subject material topic subject matter topic matter topic material topic topic subject subject material subject material topic subject material subject subject material subject matter material topic topic subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject matter subject matter topic material subject matter matter material topic matter subject subject matter subject topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic topic subject material matter subject subject subject matter matter matter subject material subject topic subject matter topic topic material subject matter matter subject material topic material topic subject subject material topic subject matter topic subject subject matter subject subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject matter topic topic matter subject topic matter subject material subject matter subject subject matter material topic subject subject material material subject material topic material subject subject subject material topic topic topic topic subject subject subject matter subject topic subject matter subject matter subject topic subject matter matter subject subject subject topic subject material material subject matter subject matter topic subject matter matter topic subject matter matter topic topic material subject subject material topic topic topic topic subject topic subject matter topic subject subject topic subject subject matter subject material subject material topic subject material topic subject material matter matter subject matter matter topic subject topic topic material matter subject material topic topic subject material subject topic topic material topic topic subject subject matter subject subject matter matter topic subject subject subject material topic topic subject matter subject subject matter matter matter material topic subject matter subject matter subject material subject subject subject subject subject subject material subject material material matter topic material topic subject matter subject material subject topic subject material topic subject matter topic topic material topic matter topic subject material matter subject matter topic subject material material subject subject material subject material subject subject subject subject subject subject material matter material topic matter subject matter subject matter topic matter topic subject material subject subject material subject topic topic subject material topic subject subject matter subject material topic subject topic subject subject material topic subject subject subject subject subject matter subject matter topic material topic matter subject material topic subject topic subject matter subject subject topic topic material subject topic material material subject matter matter material subject subject material subject subject topic material matter material subject topic subject matter topic material topic subject matter subject topic subject subject matter topic material matter topic subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject material subject matter matter subject material topic subject subject topic matter subject subject matter subject material subject topic matter subject matter subject subject subject subject matter material topic subject material subject material topic subject material topic subject subject material matter subject material subject material subject material material subject matter subject subject topic material subject matter subject material subject topic subject matter topic matter topic subject topic subject topic topic subject matter subject matter subject subject matter subject matter matter subject subject matter topic matter subject matter topic subject matter topic material subject matter subject subject material matter material matter subject subject topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic subject matter material topic subject material subject topic subject topic subject subject matter subject subject material topic topic matter material subject subject subject matter subject subject material subject subject subject topic matter topic subject topic subject material topic material subject subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject subject matter matter material topic topic subject subject matter matter topic subject matter subject material subject subject matter matter subject subject material topic subject subject subject material subject subject matter topic material subject subject material matter material topic topic matter topic subject subject material subject subject subject matter topic topic subject subject material topic material topic subject material subject subject material subject subject material matter matter matter subject matter subject topic matter subject material topic material subject subject material subject topic topic topic material subject material topic subject subject material matter matter subject material topic subject subject material subject subject topic subject material subject material material topic subject subject subject material topic subject subject matter subject material subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject matter topic topic topic material matter subject topic subject subject subject material subject subject subject material topic subject matter matter material matter subject topic subject subject material material topic subject subject material matter topic subject material topic subject matter matter subject material topic subject material subject matter subject material subject subject matter matter subject matter subject material topic subject topic topic subject subject matter subject matter matter subject topic subject matter matter matter topic subject subject material material subject subject topic matter subject subject subject subject matter topic subject subject material material matter subject matter subject matter subject material subject topic subject subject matter matter subject matter subject topic subject subject material topic subject material subject subject matter topic matter topic subject matter matter subject subject topic subject matter material subject material topic subject subject subject matter topic matter topic material subject topic subject material matter topic subject matter subject matter subject material topic subject topic subject subject material matter topic subject matter topic material matter matter matter topic subject matter topic subject matter topic subject subject subject material subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject matter subject material topic topic topic subject topic topic subject material topic subject material subject matter subject material subject topic subject matter topic material matter subject matter subject subject subject topic topic subject material topic matter topic subject 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How a whole bunch knowledge do I wish to present?

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