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subject subject matter matter topic matter subject subject subject material subject subject material subject matter material topic subject material topic matter topic topic material subject topic material subject material subject material subject matter topic subject material subject subject matter subject topic matter subject material matter topic subject material subject material subject subject subject material topic subject topic topic subject material subject matter topic material topic subject matter topic subject material topic material subject topic matter material subject matter topic subject matter subject subject material material subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject topic subject matter matter subject topic subject material material subject subject topic material topic topic material subject matter subject topic subject subject material topic subject material topic subject subject subject material subject topic subject subject material subject subject topic subject matter subject topic topic subject material topic topic topic subject matter subject topic subject subject material matter topic subject topic subject matter subject matter subject topic material subject topic topic topic subject material matter subject material subject material subject matter material matter subject subject matter subject subject matter subject subject material matter topic matter subject material subject subject matter subject subject material material subject topic subject matter topic subject material subject subject material topic topic subject topic subject subject material matter matter subject subject material subject material subject matter matter topic material matter material topic topic material topic subject matter topic subject subject subject matter subject material topic material subject subject subject subject matter subject subject topic topic subject matter subject topic material matter subject topic subject matter topic topic topic subject matter topic topic topic subject matter material matter topic topic subject matter matter subject matter material subject matter material subject subject subject matter subject subject topic subject material topic matter topic subject subject material topic subject subject material subject topic subject matter subject material subject matter subject matter material subject matter topic subject material subject material matter material subject subject material subject subject matter subject subject matter subject topic subject material topic topic topic matter subject matter subject material matter material material topic topic material matter subject subject topic material subject matter subject material matter subject matter subject material topic subject subject topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject topic subject material matter subject subject material topic subject matter material matter subject material matter subject subject matter topic subject topic matter topic matter subject material topic subject subject matter matter topic subject matter topic material subject subject material matter topic material subject matter material matter subject matter subject subject matter matter topic matter topic material topic subject material subject matter subject matter topic topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject subject subject matter subject material topic subject material material subject subject subject matter matter subject matter matter subject material subject material subject subject subject material matter topic subject material topic topic subject material subject subject topic subject matter topic subject material topic topic topic material matter subject matter topic subject subject material matter topic subject matter subject matter topic subject subject subject subject matter topic subject subject subject matter subject subject subject material matter topic material topic topic subject subject material subject subject material topic subject subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject matter subject matter subject subject material material subject subject material matter subject material topic subject topic material subject material matter subject material material topic subject material subject topic subject material subject subject topic material subject topic topic topic topic material matter topic topic subject matter matter subject material topic subject subject subject material topic topic subject subject material subject topic subject matter subject material subject material subject matter material subject material subject topic subject material topic subject subject subject matter topic subject topic topic subject material subject subject material matter subject subject topic subject material subject matter topic subject material subject material matter matter subject matter subject subject material subject matter topic subject subject matter subject topic subject material matter topic matter subject subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject material topic topic material matter subject material topic subject subject topic matter topic material subject subject topic topic subject matter subject matter topic subject subject subject matter subject topic material topic material subject subject subject topic material topic subject material topic subject material subject matter material subject matter topic subject matter topic topic subject topic subject material subject topic subject material matter topic subject subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject material topic subject topic material subject material subject subject matter topic subject matter matter topic subject material matter topic matter matter topic subject matter topic subject material subject matter topic material topic topic topic material subject subject subject matter subject topic subject matter subject subject subject material matter subject subject matter subject material subject material subject topic material matter subject material topic subject material subject topic topic topic material subject subject material subject topic topic topic topic material topic matter matter matter topic topic subject material subject subject topic topic subject matter matter topic subject material topic subject topic subject subject matter topic subject matter topic subject matter topic material subject subject material matter subject topic topic subject material subject subject material subject subject material subject subject material matter topic matter subject material subject matter matter topic matter subject matter subject matter matter subject subject subject subject subject material matter matter subject subject topic subject matter subject material topic subject subject material matter matter matter matter subject matter topic subject matter subject matter topic material subject subject material subject subject material subject subject subject matter subject topic subject matter topic material subject topic material subject subject topic subject material topic material subject material topic topic topic subject matter topic topic material topic topic subject matter topic topic material subject topic material subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject topic subject material subject subject material matter matter topic topic subject subject material subject material material subject matter subject subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject matter topic subject matter matter subject subject matter subject subject matter topic subject subject subject material material topic subject matter topic subject material topic topic subject subject subject matter topic subject material matter subject subject material subject subject material subject subject topic material topic subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject subject material subject subject material subject material matter topic matter material topic subject subject topic subject topic material topic topic subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject topic material subject topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject material subject subject topic subject topic topic subject material subject subject subject material subject topic subject subject subject subject material topic subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject subject material matter material subject topic subject matter topic subject matter matter subject material matter topic material subject topic subject subject matter subject topic subject material material subject matter subject topic topic subject matter matter subject matter subject subject matter subject subject material subject subject material topic matter subject material topic subject matter subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject topic topic subject material material subject matter subject subject subject material matter matter subject subject material subject topic subject material matter subject material subject topic subject subject subject matter topic topic topic matter subject subject material subject material topic subject subject material subject subject topic subject matter topic subject subject subject subject material subject matter topic material topic subject topic topic subject material subject material matter subject matter subject subject subject subject material subject matter material topic material topic subject material topic subject material topic topic topic subject material topic topic matter topic material topic subject material subject matter matter topic topic material material topic subject material matter material topic topic subject topic subject matter topic topic material subject topic topic topic subject material topic subject matter subject matter subject material subject matter subject topic material topic material topic material topic subject material subject topic topic topic subject matter topic subject material topic subject material topic subject matter topic topic material subject matter matter subject material topic matter subject matter subject material topic material subject material subject material subject subject material subject material matter topic subject material topic matter matter subject subject topic subject material topic topic topic subject material topic material topic topic subject topic topic subject material subject subject subject matter subject subject matter subject topic material subject subject material matter subject matter subject material material subject matter matter subject material topic topic subject subject subject matter subject material topic matter subject topic material matter topic subject material subject material subject matter matter subject topic subject material matter subject matter topic subject subject matter subject material topic subject subject topic subject material matter matter topic topic topic subject material subject topic subject material subject topic topic topic material subject topic material material subject topic matter subject material topic topic subject material subject subject subject subject material subject subject topic subject matter subject material material subject subject matter material topic subject material subject topic subject material subject subject subject matter matter topic material subject topic subject subject subject matter subject subject matter material topic matter subject subject matter matter subject matter subject matter subject subject matter subject topic topic subject matter subject subject subject material subject topic subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject subject material subject subject matter topic subject subject material subject material topic topic topic subject material matter subject matter matter subject material subject matter topic subject material matter matter subject material matter subject material subject topic topic subject material topic subject subject material subject topic subject material matter subject material topic subject matter matter subject material subject topic subject matter matter subject subject matter subject material topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject material topic subject material subject matter topic subject material subject topic material subject topic material topic topic subject subject subject matter matter subject topic material subject subject topic material topic subject matter subject subject subject subject matter subject topic subject matter material topic topic subject topic material topic subject topic material material subject matter subject material subject matter subject matter matter subject matter subject material subject matter subject matter topic matter topic topic matter subject subject topic material matter subject matter topic matter topic subject matter subject topic material topic topic subject matter topic topic subject subject material topic topic subject matter subject topic material topic subject material material subject subject subject material matter topic topic topic topic subject material material matter matter subject subject matter topic subject material topic topic topic subject subject material subject topic subject material subject topic subject material matter subject subject subject topic topic subject matter matter topic subject topic topic material subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject matter subject material subject matter topic subject material topic subject material subject matter topic subject subject material subject matter matter subject matter topic subject subject material matter topic subject material subject topic material subject subject material subject material topic topic matter material matter material subject matter topic subject material subject subject topic topic topic material matter topic subject subject matter topic subject subject topic subject matter matter material matter subject matter subject matter subject subject topic subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject matter topic topic topic subject material topic subject material subject matter subject matter topic matter topic subject matter topic subject matter matter topic subject subject matter subject material subject matter matter topic subject matter material subject subject matter subject topic material subject topic subject subject matter material subject topic subject subject matter subject subject matter material subject matter subject subject subject subject matter subject material topic subject matter matter matter subject subject material topic subject subject topic matter material subject subject matter subject topic topic topic material matter topic topic subject topic matter subject subject matter subject material matter matter subject matter matter subject material subject topic subject material topic subject topic subject material subject topic topic topic subject material material topic topic subject matter matter matter subject matter subject topic subject material matter topic matter topic material subject subject matter subject subject subject subject subject material subject subject topic subject material topic matter subject matter subject subject subject material topic subject subject material subject material subject material topic topic subject material topic subject topic matter material subject material matter topic topic material subject matter subject material material matter topic material topic subject material topic material matter subject material matter matter subject material subject topic subject matter subject subject material subject topic material topic topic subject material subject subject subject matter subject topic material subject subject topic topic material topic subject matter topic matter subject material topic topic subject material subject subject topic topic topic material topic subject material topic subject material subject subject topic subject material subject matter subject topic topic subject material subject subject matter subject material topic topic subject subject matter subject subject topic topic subject material topic material subject material topic subject subject material matter subject material subject material subject subject material material subject subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject material topic topic subject subject material matter topic subject material topic material subject material topic subject material subject subject topic material subject material subject subject material topic matter subject subject matter subject material matter subject subject matter matter subject matter matter topic topic subject matter topic matter subject topic topic material subject subject matter topic material subject subject subject material subject subject material subject subject matter topic material subject matter subject matter subject matter subject matter subject material topic topic subject subject material material subject subject topic subject topic material subject matter subject subject matter topic subject subject topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject material topic topic topic subject topic subject material subject material matter topic material subject subject topic subject matter subject topic matter material matter material subject material topic material subject material matter matter topic material topic subject matter subject subject topic subject material topic topic topic subject material matter subject topic subject subject matter topic topic subject topic subject topic subject material topic material subject subject matter topic matter material matter subject material subject material matter subject matter topic matter material subject subject subject subject matter subject material subject subject matter subject matter topic subject matter subject subject subject matter matter material matter topic matter topic subject matter topic subject topic subject material subject matter subject matter subject topic matter matter matter topic material topic matter subject material topic subject topic material subject material topic material matter subject subject topic matter topic subject topic material subject subject topic matter subject subject material matter topic matter subject topic subject matter topic subject matter topic subject matter topic subject material topic material topic material subject topic matter subject material subject topic topic subject material subject subject material topic topic topic material topic subject matter matter subject subject topic subject matter material subject matter topic topic matter subject material topic material subject subject topic subject subject material material topic subject matter topic subject topic subject matter topic topic subject subject material subject topic subject subject material topic topic subject material topic matter subject matter matter subject subject matter matter subject subject material subject matter topic subject subject subject matter topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject matter matter subject subject matter topic subject subject material topic topic subject topic material topic subject material topic subject topic material matter subject subject material matter subject subject material subject subject material topic matter topic topic material matter topic topic subject subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject topic material material topic subject matter material topic material subject subject material subject topic topic subject subject material subject material subject subject matter subject subject matter matter subject subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject subject subject matter topic topic material subject subject subject material matter subject matter subject subject subject material matter topic topic subject material subject material matter topic subject material topic material subject subject subject subject matter topic matter matter subject topic matter subject subject material topic topic subject material matter topic topic subject material topic topic matter subject matter material matter topic topic material subject topic subject subject matter topic matter topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject topic topic material subject topic matter subject topic material matter topic topic subject material subject topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject subject material subject material subject topic subject matter subject subject matter topic matter topic subject material topic topic subject subject subject subject subject material topic subject topic topic material subject matter topic subject material topic topic matter topic subject material matter material topic topic subject material topic topic subject material material topic matter subject matter material subject material topic topic topic matter topic subject subject matter subject topic subject material subject topic matter subject material subject subject material matter subject subject matter subject material subject material subject topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject matter matter topic subject material matter subject topic subject matter subject material topic topic topic subject material topic material subject topic subject material subject subject subject matter subject subject matter topic matter material material subject matter topic subject matter topic material topic subject subject material topic subject subject material subject matter topic subject material topic matter topic subject material subject material subject material matter material topic topic subject topic subject subject matter subject matter topic material material matter topic topic subject subject material topic topic matter topic topic topic material subject subject subject material topic matter topic subject subject material topic subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject subject material subject subject subject material subject subject subject matter subject subject material matter topic subject subject matter matter subject material subject material topic topic topic subject material topic topic matter subject subject subject material subject subject topic subject subject material subject matter subject matter topic topic topic subject matter subject material subject subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject topic subject matter topic topic topic subject material subject material topic topic subject matter topic matter material topic topic subject subject topic material matter subject subject topic subject subject material topic topic subject material subject subject topic material topic topic subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject material subject topic matter material topic subject material subject matter matter matter matter topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic subject material subject material topic subject matter material matter subject matter topic subject material topic subject material subject matter subject material matter subject matter matter subject subject matter topic subject material subject material topic subject subject subject matter topic material subject topic subject material topic subject matter subject matter topic subject matter subject subject matter matter topic subject material matter matter material topic matter topic subject material matter matter subject matter subject subject subject material topic topic material topic material topic topic subject subject matter topic subject matter matter topic matter topic material subject subject topic subject subject topic subject material subject matter matter subject matter topic subject subject subject topic subject matter subject matter matter subject matter subject subject material topic matter topic subject material topic topic subject material matter matter topic material subject matter topic matter subject subject subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject matter matter subject subject matter subject matter topic subject subject material topic matter topic subject subject matter subject matter topic matter subject subject subject material topic topic subject topic subject subject material subject topic subject subject matter material topic topic subject subject material subject topic topic topic subject subject matter matter subject matter topic topic topic matter material topic topic subject matter matter topic subject topic subject material subject topic matter subject matter topic topic subject matter subject topic topic subject matter subject material topic material subject subject matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject subject matter subject topic topic subject material subject subject material matter material topic subject material subject subject material material subject subject material subject subject material subject subject material topic subject material subject material topic topic material subject topic matter subject subject subject subject material subject subject matter subject subject subject subject material topic subject material subject material subject subject matter matter subject material topic matter subject topic subject matter subject topic subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject material subject subject matter topic subject subject matter material topic topic topic matter subject material topic subject topic topic subject subject subject matter subject material topic subject matter subject subject topic material subject material subject topic subject matter subject subject material topic matter topic material subject subject matter subject topic subject material matter subject matter subject material subject subject matter subject material subject subject material topic matter subject material subject matter subject material subject subject topic subject material subject topic material topic subject material topic topic material topic subject subject material topic topic material subject material topic topic subject matter subject material subject subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject topic subject subject topic material subject topic topic subject material topic matter material matter subject topic subject matter subject subject topic material topic material subject matter subject subject material topic subject material matter subject matter topic material topic subject topic topic subject material matter topic subject matter topic subject subject subject subject topic subject matter subject topic topic subject subject material subject subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic material subject subject material matter subject topic subject matter subject subject subject matter topic subject material topic subject matter topic matter subject subject matter topic matter matter subject topic material subject subject material subject subject subject topic subject material subject topic material subject matter subject material topic topic subject subject matter topic topic subject subject matter subject matter matter topic topic subject material topic subject matter subject material subject topic topic subject subject material subject matter matter subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject material topic matter topic material subject matter topic topic topic subject subject material subject topic material topic material subject subject matter subject material matter material subject matter subject matter topic topic subject material subject topic subject subject topic material topic topic subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject material topic subject subject material topic material subject topic subject material material topic subject material topic topic material topic material topic matter topic material topic topic subject matter subject topic subject subject material subject subject material topic subject matter subject material topic topic subject material subject matter topic material topic subject matter topic subject material topic topic subject material topic topic subject matter topic topic matter matter matter material topic topic material topic subject subject matter topic subject topic subject matter subject material subject matter topic subject material subject material subject subject matter material subject material subject subject subject matter subject subject matter matter subject topic subject material material matter matter matter subject material matter subject matter topic material topic matter topic topic subject material matter subject subject subject material subject material material topic material subject subject subject material subject material subject subject subject material subject topic subject subject material subject subject material topic subject subject matter subject subject matter topic topic material topic subject matter topic topic topic subject topic subject matter matter subject matter subject matter topic topic subject material topic topic material topic subject topic topic subject matter subject subject subject subject material topic topic material subject subject matter subject material subject material topic subject matter subject matter matter topic matter matter material subject subject matter topic topic matter subject matter topic topic subject material topic matter topic topic subject matter subject subject topic topic subject subject material subject subject material topic topic subject material topic topic subject matter subject material topic matter topic subject topic subject material subject matter material topic topic material topic subject matter subject matter subject subject subject matter subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject topic matter material topic matter topic topic topic material subject subject matter topic topic subject material matter matter subject matter topic subject subject subject material topic material topic subject subject material topic topic topic subject matter subject matter topic material matter subject matter topic topic material matter material matter subject matter subject material subject material matter topic subject matter subject material subject subject subject subject subject subject matter matter subject subject subject matter subject subject matter subject topic material topic topic topic subject subject material topic topic topic subject material topic subject topic topic subject material subject topic topic subject matter subject topic subject subject matter subject subject material matter topic subject subject material matter subject topic topic subject subject material topic topic matter material topic subject subject material subject topic matter topic subject matter topic material topic topic topic subject material topic topic material topic topic topic subject material matter topic topic topic topic subject material subject topic subject material subject topic matter subject subject material subject subject topic subject subject subject topic subject material subject subject subject subject subject material topic subject subject subject material subject material topic subject material topic matter subject subject material subject matter subject matter matter topic subject subject material matter subject topic material topic subject matter matter material material subject subject material matter subject material subject matter subject subject subject matter subject matter topic topic subject material subject material topic subject subject matter subject material topic topic subject material topic matter subject matter matter subject topic subject material subject subject matter subject matter matter topic topic subject material topic subject matter subject matter material subject material subject material matter subject topic subject subject matter topic topic matter subject material subject topic subject material matter subject subject topic subject matter matter subject subject matter subject subject material topic subject subject subject topic subject material topic subject matter material topic subject material matter topic topic topic subject subject material topic subject material topic subject material subject topic material subject subject matter subject subject material matter subject matter topic material topic subject subject material subject topic subject material topic matter topic material matter subject topic topic topic topic subject material topic topic material subject topic subject subject matter subject matter topic topic subject material subject topic subject material topic subject material topic material topic subject material topic topic material material topic topic subject matter topic matter subject subject subject material matter subject subject material topic subject material material subject subject matter subject matter matter topic subject subject material subject topic topic material material subject subject material topic material topic subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject matter material topic subject material matter subject material material subject topic subject material subject subject matter topic subject matter material matter matter subject material subject material topic subject matter subject material topic topic topic material subject material topic matter subject matter topic subject subject material subject material subject subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject topic matter topic subject material topic topic topic subject material topic matter topic material topic subject material topic topic material matter topic subject subject topic subject material subject subject matter topic material matter topic material subject matter topic subject topic subject material matter matter subject material topic material subject topic topic topic subject material topic subject material material subject topic material topic subject material matter material subject subject material matter subject material subject matter matter topic matter topic material subject matter subject matter subject subject subject subject subject matter topic material matter subject subject subject material subject matter topic material topic matter subject material topic subject material subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject matter material matter subject subject topic subject material topic matter matter subject material subject topic subject subject matter topic subject subject material subject topic material topic material subject subject material matter topic topic subject subject subject material subject matter subject subject matter topic subject matter material matter subject matter matter subject topic material subject subject matter subject topic subject matter topic subject subject matter subject topic subject topic material subject material subject topic subject subject matter material topic subject material subject topic subject matter topic material subject subject material topic matter subject matter subject subject subject subject subject matter material subject topic subject matter topic subject matter matter topic topic topic subject material subject subject matter topic matter topic topic topic subject material subject subject matter subject subject subject matter subject topic subject material topic topic topic material subject matter topic subject material matter topic subject subject material subject topic subject material matter subject material topic topic matter subject topic subject matter subject subject topic topic subject subject subject material topic material material topic subject subject material subject topic matter material matter subject topic material subject material material subject material subject material subject subject matter subject subject material topic subject matter subject matter subject topic material topic topic subject matter topic material subject matter subject material matter subject material subject topic subject matter subject matter topic subject material matter subject subject subject matter matter subject material subject matter subject matter topic topic matter subject subject topic subject material topic topic subject topic topic subject material matter subject subject topic matter matter material subject material subject matter subject matter subject topic topic subject material matter topic subject material matter subject subject subject matter subject topic material topic topic topic subject matter material topic subject subject material topic subject material subject subject material material material topic matter topic subject matter matter topic subject material matter material matter topic matter subject subject material topic subject topic subject subject matter subject material subject subject subject subject matter topic material subject subject topic material matter subject subject subject material subject material topic subject subject material subject subject matter topic subject material topic topic subject matter subject material topic matter subject subject subject subject topic topic material topic subject subject matter topic subject material topic matter matter topic subject material matter subject subject material topic matter subject matter material matter subject matter topic matter material subject material matter matter subject topic material subject material subject subject matter subject matter topic material subject material subject subject material topic matter topic subject material subject matter matter material material topic topic subject subject matter matter subject matter subject subject subject material matter topic subject matter matter topic topic matter topic material topic material subject matter topic topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic subject topic subject material subject subject material topic subject topic matter matter topic subject material subject topic subject subject matter subject matter topic topic subject material subject material topic subject material subject subject topic subject subject material subject subject topic subject subject matter topic matter subject matter topic material topic subject subject matter subject material topic subject material topic subject material subject material topic material in a structured way, we’re able to 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subject matter matter topic subject matter matter topic material topic material subject matter subject material subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject material subject matter matter topic topic subject subject matter subject subject subject matter topic material subject material subject matter matter subject matter topic subject topic material subject matter subject subject material subject subject material matter subject material subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject matter matter subject topic subject matter subject topic topic subject matter matter subject matter subject topic subject matter subject topic topic topic topic material subject subject subject material matter topic subject material subject matter topic matter topic topic topic subject matter matter topic subject subject matter topic matter topic subject matter topic matter material subject topic subject subject material subject topic subject subject matter material topic subject material topic subject subject matter matter subject matter matter topic material topic subject subject material topic topic topic subject matter topic material matter subject subject topic subject matter subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject subject material subject material topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic topic topic subject matter topic material subject topic subject matter subject matter topic subject matter topic subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject subject topic subject subject matter matter subject topic topic topic material subject topic material matter subject material subject matter topic subject matter material topic subject material subject matter subject topic subject subject matter subject subject material subject material matter subject subject matter topic material subject material subject matter subject topic material topic topic subject matter subject material matter topic subject subject subject material topic matter subject subject subject matter topic material topic subject subject subject subject matter material subject subject subject matter matter subject subject topic subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject subject subject subject material subject material subject matter matter topic material subject topic topic topic topic material subject subject matter subject matter topic topic subject matter subject matter subject subject subject material subject subject subject subject subject material material matter topic subject material subject topic subject matter subject topic material subject subject topic subject material matter matter matter material subject subject subject topic subject matter topic subject topic subject material topic subject material material subject matter topic subject subject matter topic topic subject material subject matter material subject topic topic subject material topic subject topic subject material topic subject subject matter subject matter subject subject material matter topic subject topic subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject material matter topic material subject material subject matter subject matter topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject subject matter subject matter subject subject topic matter subject material topic topic subject material subject topic subject material subject matter subject matter subject material subject topic subject matter subject subject material material subject topic subject material topic topic subject matter topic topic subject matter matter subject subject matter subject material subject topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject material topic topic material subject subject subject topic subject subject subject material subject subject material topic topic topic subject matter topic subject matter subject subject matter material matter subject topic material subject topic material topic subject subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject subject material matter subject subject material matter topic subject subject matter subject subject subject topic subject material topic matter topic matter subject matter material matter subject material topic subject subject material matter subject matter matter topic subject material subject subject material subject subject subject material topic subject subject matter subject material material matter subject matter subject topic subject matter matter topic subject subject subject matter topic subject topic subject matter matter matter topic material topic matter subject subject material material subject topic subject material subject matter subject material topic subject material topic material topic subject subject subject matter topic topic material subject subject topic subject material topic topic material material topic subject subject matter matter subject subject matter matter subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject material topic matter subject material subject subject topic subject material matter topic matter material matter subject topic subject matter topic subject matter topic subject subject matter topic subject topic material subject material subject topic material topic subject topic subject material subject subject topic topic subject material subject material subject material topic subject matter topic subject subject topic subject subject topic subject matter topic matter subject matter matter subject matter topic subject topic subject subject topic material matter material subject subject matter subject material topic subject matter subject matter topic subject material subject matter subject matter subject subject matter matter material subject topic matter subject material topic subject material topic material subject subject subject subject matter subject subject topic matter matter subject subject material material subject subject material matter subject topic topic material matter subject matter subject material subject topic material topic subject matter subject topic subject material matter material subject matter subject topic subject topic subject matter matter subject matter material topic topic subject subject matter matter subject matter subject subject matter matter topic subject subject subject matter subject matter matter topic subject subject material topic subject material matter subject matter matter topic subject material material topic topic subject subject matter matter topic material topic matter subject matter topic subject subject matter subject material topic subject material matter matter topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject topic subject matter subject matter topic material subject material topic topic subject matter topic topic subject matter topic subject matter subject material subject topic subject matter subject subject material subject matter matter topic topic material subject topic material matter subject material matter subject subject topic material matter subject matter subject subject matter subject subject matter subject matter subject subject material topic topic matter subject topic subject matter topic subject subject material matter topic matter subject topic topic subject material topic subject material subject subject subject material topic matter subject matter matter topic subject matter topic subject material topic topic material subject topic subject topic subject matter subject topic topic subject matter matter subject topic material subject topic subject matter matter subject matter topic topic topic subject subject material topic topic subject matter subject subject subject topic material subject matter matter topic subject material matter topic subject material topic material topic topic subject material topic subject topic subject material topic matter material matter subject topic material topic topic material topic subject subject matter matter subject subject subject matter matter matter topic subject matter material subject subject material subject material material subject matter topic material topic subject subject material matter topic subject subject subject material topic subject material topic subject matter subject topic subject matter topic matter subject subject material subject topic material topic topic topic subject matter subject material subject material matter topic topic material material topic matter subject subject material topic subject material subject matter subject subject material matter topic subject material subject subject material subject subject material subject matter material subject subject material topic subject material subject subject material subject subject material topic subject subject material topic subject subject subject matter subject material subject subject matter subject matter subject subject topic subject matter subject matter subject material subject topic subject subject material topic matter topic subject matter subject topic subject matter topic material topic topic topic matter topic matter subject material topic subject matter topic subject material subject subject subject matter subject topic topic topic subject subject material subject subject subject subject matter subject topic topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject subject matter subject material topic subject topic subject subject material topic subject subject matter matter topic subject topic subject matter subject subject material topic subject subject matter matter subject subject matter topic topic material topic material topic subject material subject matter topic material topic subject material topic subject subject material topic subject material subject material subject material subject matter subject subject matter material subject matter topic topic material topic topic subject matter topic matter topic material subject subject material subject subject subject material matter topic subject material matter material subject topic topic subject material topic matter matter matter topic subject material topic matter topic subject matter matter subject subject material subject topic subject matter topic matter subject matter material matter topic subject matter topic topic topic subject matter subject material topic subject topic subject subject matter topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject material topic subject topic matter subject material matter subject topic subject matter subject material subject material topic subject subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject matter subject topic material topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject material topic subject matter subject topic matter topic topic subject material topic matter subject subject subject topic subject matter matter subject subject topic subject matter topic subject subject topic topic subject material subject subject subject subject subject material subject subject material subject topic material topic subject matter subject subject topic material topic subject material topic matter subject subject matter subject subject subject subject matter topic material topic subject matter topic subject subject matter subject topic subject matter topic subject material material matter topic topic material topic subject subject material topic subject matter matter subject matter topic subject material topic subject topic subject subject subject subject subject subject matter topic topic subject matter matter subject subject material subject subject matter topic topic topic subject material matter topic matter subject subject subject subject topic subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic topic subject material subject topic topic subject subject matter matter subject matter material topic topic subject matter topic topic topic material subject subject matter matter topic topic subject matter matter subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject subject subject material matter topic subject matter subject topic material matter topic subject topic topic material subject topic topic topic material matter subject matter matter topic subject topic material topic subject material matter subject subject subject matter matter matter subject subject topic subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter subject matter topic topic topic subject subject material topic topic subject material material topic subject matter matter subject material topic matter material subject material subject topic topic subject material topic topic material matter subject material matter material subject subject topic material subject matter subject material subject subject topic topic subject subject material matter subject subject material matter subject subject topic subject material subject subject topic matter topic subject matter topic subject matter subject material subject subject matter matter topic topic topic material topic subject matter material subject topic subject subject matter matter subject matter subject subject matter topic subject topic subject matter topic matter topic subject subject material subject subject material matter matter subject matter topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject subject matter subject material subject subject subject material topic matter material topic subject subject material subject matter subject material matter topic material subject subject subject subject material subject subject material subject subject matter subject subject subject matter topic topic topic matter matter subject material subject subject matter subject material subject subject subject subject subject material subject material subject topic subject subject material matter topic material subject matter subject matter subject matter topic subject topic subject matter topic material subject subject topic topic material subject topic matter subject subject subject topic material subject topic topic subject matter matter matter subject matter subject material subject matter subject subject material material subject subject topic subject matter subject material topic topic material subject matter subject matter matter topic subject subject subject matter subject matter subject topic subject topic topic subject material subject material subject subject material subject subject material subject material matter subject subject material subject matter material subject subject material subject matter subject subject subject subject material subject matter subject subject subject material subject topic subject matter subject subject topic subject subject material subject topic topic subject material subject topic topic topic material subject topic topic subject material topic subject subject topic topic topic material subject matter subject topic subject material topic subject material topic matter subject subject matter matter subject topic matter topic subject matter topic topic topic topic subject subject subject matter matter subject material topic subject subject material subject subject topic subject matter topic subject matter material topic topic topic subject material material subject subject subject subject material topic topic subject subject matter topic matter topic matter topic material subject topic subject matter material matter material topic material topic topic subject material subject topic subject material topic subject material topic subject material topic subject subject matter topic material subject subject subject material topic subject matter topic matter subject topic material subject topic topic topic topic material subject matter topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject topic topic material topic topic subject matter topic topic subject material subject matter subject matter subject topic topic material topic matter material subject subject matter topic topic subject matter topic topic subject subject matter topic topic topic subject subject material subject subject material subject subject subject subject subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject topic subject material subject subject matter subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject matter subject material subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject subject subject material topic subject subject material topic topic topic subject matter subject subject matter subject topic subject topic subject material topic topic subject topic subject subject matter subject topic topic subject material topic subject subject matter subject material subject subject topic subject matter subject topic topic topic subject material topic topic material subject topic matter topic subject matter subject material matter topic subject matter matter subject topic subject material subject topic topic material topic topic subject matter subject matter subject topic subject matter topic matter subject matter material topic topic subject material subject topic topic subject subject matter material matter subject topic matter subject matter matter subject matter subject topic subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject subject subject material subject topic subject subject topic material subject matter topic material subject subject topic material subject topic subject subject matter subject topic material topic matter matter subject matter subject matter subject subject subject subject subject matter topic material topic subject subject material subject material topic material topic subject subject material subject material topic topic subject material subject matter subject topic subject subject matter matter topic matter subject material subject topic topic topic subject topic material subject topic material subject material subject topic topic subject material matter topic matter material matter topic subject matter subject material subject subject subject material subject subject material topic subject material matter matter subject material matter matter topic topic subject matter topic topic subject matter topic topic topic subject material material subject topic subject subject matter topic topic matter subject material subject subject matter subject matter subject subject material topic subject matter subject material topic topic matter matter topic topic subject material topic topic material topic matter subject subject matter topic subject subject matter subject subject matter matter subject subject matter topic topic material topic subject subject matter subject material topic matter matter material topic subject topic subject material subject topic material subject topic subject matter topic subject topic material subject topic topic topic material subject subject material subject material matter subject subject subject material subject topic subject material subject matter matter topic subject matter matter topic subject material subject subject matter matter topic subject matter matter subject material subject subject subject subject material topic topic matter subject subject topic subject material subject subject matter topic subject matter subject topic subject matter topic topic topic material topic subject material topic subject matter topic topic material subject matter subject subject subject matter topic subject matter material subject subject matter topic subject material subject subject subject material subject subject matter subject subject topic material matter topic topic material topic topic material subject subject subject matter subject subject material material material subject material matter subject matter topic subject material matter subject material topic subject subject matter topic subject subject subject subject material topic topic topic subject topic subject material subject topic subject subject matter topic matter subject subject material topic subject topic topic subject matter subject subject subject material subject subject topic subject matter subject subject topic matter subject subject subject matter subject subject material subject subject matter subject subject matter matter matter topic subject subject material subject subject material subject topic subject subject matter matter subject topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject matter topic topic topic subject matter topic topic material material subject subject material subject material subject matter material subject matter subject topic subject material material topic subject topic topic subject subject material subject topic topic topic subject subject matter topic matter topic subject matter topic subject material topic topic matter material subject topic matter topic subject material topic subject matter topic matter subject matter subject subject subject matter subject subject material topic topic material topic subject material subject topic material matter matter subject material subject matter subject subject topic subject material material matter topic material matter subject topic subject material topic subject material subject material topic subject material matter subject subject material subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject subject material subject topic subject matter topic topic topic subject matter matter material subject topic subject subject subject material subject subject subject material topic topic subject subject material subject subject material subject matter subject subject material subject topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject subject matter subject topic topic subject material subject topic subject topic subject material topic subject topic subject matter subject material subject subject subject material material matter subject matter subject material subject matter topic subject material material matter subject material topic subject material topic subject matter topic material topic matter subject topic subject subject matter subject subject subject subject material topic topic topic subject matter matter topic subject subject matter subject matter subject subject material subject subject material matter topic subject material topic material topic subject subject subject matter subject topic subject material matter topic subject material subject material matter subject matter subject subject topic topic topic subject matter material subject subject subject material topic matter subject subject material topic topic subject subject material topic subject subject material matter matter subject subject matter matter topic subject material subject subject matter subject topic material topic subject topic subject subject matter topic matter material topic topic topic subject matter matter subject subject subject subject material topic subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject topic topic topic subject matter subject subject matter matter topic topic topic subject matter topic topic subject subject matter topic topic subject matter topic subject subject topic subject material subject subject topic material subject subject matter topic subject subject material topic topic subject topic subject matter topic topic topic material topic subject subject subject matter subject subject material subject topic topic subject material topic topic subject material matter material subject topic subject material topic subject material subject subject matter subject subject matter topic matter subject topic subject subject material subject matter topic subject matter topic topic subject matter matter matter topic subject subject matter topic subject material topic topic material subject subject matter subject subject material topic material matter topic subject subject matter subject subject material matter material material topic subject subject material topic subject subject material topic subject topic subject matter subject subject subject subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject material subject material topic material topic material matter topic subject subject material matter topic subject subject matter topic topic subject subject material subject material subject subject matter matter topic subject topic material subject subject subject matter topic subject subject matter subject topic topic material subject subject material subject matter matter topic subject matter matter subject material subject topic matter topic subject subject material material subject material subject subject subject matter subject topic material subject matter subject material matter material material subject subject subject matter subject material matter topic subject material subject subject material material subject subject matter material topic subject subject topic subject matter subject topic material subject topic topic topic material topic subject matter subject subject subject matter topic topic subject subject matter topic subject subject material subject matter subject subject subject subject material subject topic topic subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject subject subject material subject subject material matter subject subject subject material subject subject topic subject material topic topic material subject material matter matter topic topic subject material topic subject topic subject material matter subject topic subject subject matter subject material material topic topic subject material matter topic material topic subject material subject material topic subject matter subject topic matter matter material subject matter topic subject matter matter subject subject subject matter subject subject topic subject material matter matter subject subject matter subject subject matter topic material subject topic material topic material subject topic subject subject material matter subject material subject material subject topic subject subject matter matter subject matter topic subject material topic topic material matter subject matter material topic subject subject subject material topic matter topic subject subject topic subject topic material matter subject subject subject matter subject topic subject material subject material subject topic subject subject subject material topic subject material topic subject matter subject topic material topic topic topic matter material matter subject subject subject material matter subject material material material subject subject material matter topic topic material subject topic topic subject material material subject subject material material topic matter subject material subject material topic subject matter subject topic subject material topic topic topic subject subject material matter matter topic topic subject subject subject matter topic subject matter subject topic subject subject topic subject material matter matter material topic topic subject matter subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject subject subject subject material topic topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject subject matter topic topic subject subject subject material subject subject subject matter matter topic subject matter topic topic subject subject matter matter subject topic topic topic subject material subject topic subject material topic subject subject material topic topic subject material subject subject matter topic subject subject subject material material topic subject material subject matter subject subject subject material topic topic material matter topic subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject subject material subject matter topic subject material material subject subject material topic subject subject subject matter subject subject topic topic material matter subject subject subject subject matter subject subject matter topic subject subject subject topic subject material topic subject topic material subject matter topic subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject material material subject matter subject matter matter subject matter subject material subject subject material subject subject matter subject matter matter subject subject subject material matter topic topic subject matter material subject subject subject topic matter subject matter subject material subject material subject matter topic subject subject matter matter subject material material subject subject subject material topic subject topic subject subject material topic subject material matter topic subject material topic subject subject material topic topic topic subject matter topic topic topic subject matter matter topic material subject subject topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic matter matter subject material topic subject topic subject subject material matter subject subject material subject matter matter subject subject material topic subject subject subject material topic subject material subject topic topic topic subject topic subject material topic topic subject matter subject material subject matter topic topic topic subject material subject matter topic topic material topic matter subject subject matter subject topic subject matter subject subject material matter subject material subject matter topic subject subject material subject subject material topic material subject subject matter subject topic topic subject material subject subject matter material subject subject topic subject subject matter subject matter material topic subject material subject topic material topic subject matter matter material topic subject material subject subject matter subject material topic topic subject subject matter topic topic subject material topic material subject topic topic topic material subject topic subject matter topic subject matter subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject subject subject subject matter subject topic topic subject material topic subject material topic topic subject material matter topic subject subject subject material topic subject material subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject topic subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject material subject matter matter subject topic topic material topic subject subject subject material topic subject matter topic material subject topic matter topic matter topic topic topic subject material topic subject material topic matter material topic subject matter subject subject subject subject material matter subject material topic topic subject matter subject matter subject subject subject matter topic topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject matter subject matter subject matter matter subject topic topic material topic subject matter subject matter subject matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject subject subject subject matter material material subject topic material subject subject material subject topic subject subject material subject material topic subject matter matter matter subject material subject matter matter topic subject matter topic material subject matter topic topic subject material subject topic subject material matter subject topic subject subject matter subject material material subject topic subject subject matter matter matter subject material topic topic material subject matter subject material subject material topic subject matter topic material topic topic topic topic subject matter topic subject matter matter topic topic material matter subject matter matter subject matter subject material subject subject matter subject subject matter matter topic material subject matter topic material matter matter subject subject subject matter subject matter topic material subject subject topic subject material subject subject material topic subject subject matter subject matter subject subject subject topic subject matter subject subject subject matter matter subject topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic material subject subject subject matter subject material subject material subject material subject topic subject material subject subject topic subject matter topic material subject material subject topic subject material subject subject material subject material subject subject matter subject material subject topic subject subject topic material topic material material subject topic subject matter topic material subject subject subject matter topic subject subject subject subject subject material matter matter subject subject matter subject material subject subject matter topic subject material subject subject subject material subject subject matter topic subject subject subject material subject matter subject material topic subject material subject subject subject subject subject material subject subject material subject matter subject matter subject subject material subject subject subject topic matter topic subject material subject subject material subject matter topic material matter subject material subject subject material topic matter topic subject topic topic material matter matter matter topic material subject matter subject topic matter topic subject matter subject subject matter subject subject matter subject subject material subject material topic material subject material subject matter subject subject material topic subject matter topic material subject material topic topic subject subject matter matter subject material subject material topic subject material subject topic subject subject material subject subject matter topic matter matter subject subject material matter topic topic matter subject topic subject subject matter subject subject subject material topic subject topic topic topic subject subject material topic topic topic topic material topic subject topic subject material matter subject subject subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject topic subject material subject topic subject material topic subject topic material topic subject topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic subject material subject material matter subject subject subject material material subject topic topic subject material topic topic subject material subject material topic subject material topic topic topic topic material subject matter subject subject material matter subject matter subject subject matter material subject subject subject material matter topic subject matter subject topic topic topic subject subject material subject topic material topic subject matter subject topic subject matter subject matter subject topic topic topic subject material matter topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject topic subject topic material topic subject subject matter topic subject topic subject material topic material subject material subject matter topic subject material topic matter subject subject matter subject subject subject topic subject subject matter subject subject subject subject subject matter topic matter topic subject material subject subject topic material subject subject material subject subject topic material topic material topic subject matter topic subject topic subject subject material material subject subject subject material topic subject matter subject material subject subject material topic topic subject material topic material subject material subject subject matter subject material topic topic subject matter subject matter topic topic subject matter subject material topic subject matter subject material topic subject material matter subject material topic subject material topic topic subject matter matter subject material subject topic subject subject subject subject matter topic topic matter subject material topic subject material matter topic topic material subject matter subject material topic subject material topic subject matter subject topic matter subject matter subject subject subject matter matter topic topic material subject topic subject subject subject matter topic subject topic subject matter subject matter material matter topic topic subject matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject material matter matter topic topic subject material topic subject material topic matter subject material matter subject material topic subject matter subject material subject topic subject matter subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject material subject matter topic topic subject topic topic material subject material subject subject subject matter subject topic matter subject subject matter matter matter subject matter topic material subject subject topic subject matter subject topic subject matter subject topic subject subject material matter subject material matter topic subject matter subject matter subject matter subject material matter subject topic subject material topic subject material subject matter topic subject subject material topic matter matter subject material topic subject subject material subject subject subject material topic material subject material topic material topic matter topic topic subject material topic subject material subject matter topic subject material matter matter subject subject subject matter subject subject material topic topic subject subject matter matter topic subject subject topic topic subject matter matter subject topic subject matter subject subject topic topic subject matter subject material subject subject topic material subject material subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject topic subject matter subject matter matter subject matter topic matter subject matter topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject subject matter topic material subject topic material subject topic subject material subject subject matter material subject subject matter matter topic matter topic subject topic subject material topic subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject subject material subject topic topic subject matter topic matter material subject subject matter material subject subject topic subject matter subject matter subject topic topic subject matter topic topic subject matter topic subject subject matter matter topic matter subject topic matter subject material topic material topic topic topic material subject topic topic subject subject subject material matter subject topic subject matter matter subject subject material subject topic subject material topic subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject material matter matter subject subject matter matter subject subject material topic subject subject material subject subject matter topic matter topic subject subject matter topic topic topic topic matter topic subject material subject material topic subject material matter subject topic subject subject matter matter topic topic material subject subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject material subject topic subject subject material subject material topic subject material matter topic subject topic subject matter topic subject matter subject subject matter subject subject subject material matter topic subject matter subject subject matter subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject subject material topic topic subject matter matter topic subject topic subject matter subject subject subject material material matter subject subject material matter topic material material subject topic subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject matter topic topic material subject topic topic subject subject matter subject subject material subject matter material subject matter material subject topic topic subject material topic subject material topic material topic subject material matter material subject subject topic material matter subject subject matter subject material topic subject subject material subject subject subject topic material topic subject topic subject subject subject material topic topic topic material matter subject subject material topic subject material subject topic material topic subject matter matter subject matter topic subject matter topic subject matter subject subject topic material matter subject subject material topic matter subject topic subject subject material matter topic subject material subject matter subject subject subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject topic topic material topic topic subject material matter subject material matter topic subject subject subject topic subject matter matter subject topic subject subject matter subject material matter topic subject matter topic topic subject matter topic subject topic subject material topic topic subject material subject material subject material topic subject material matter topic topic material matter subject material subject subject matter topic matter subject material topic topic subject matter topic topic topic matter subject topic material subject material material subject subject material topic subject matter subject matter subject matter topic material subject topic topic topic subject subject matter subject material topic topic topic material subject topic topic subject subject topic subject matter topic subject topic subject material material subject topic subject material subject subject material topic subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject matter material topic subject subject subject matter topic subject topic material matter topic subject material matter matter subject topic topic subject matter topic topic matter subject subject material subject material subject subject material topic material topic matter topic subject material subject subject topic subject subject subject topic material subject matter material subject topic matter subject material topic material material topic subject matter subject topic topic subject material material subject material matter subject material matter topic material topic subject material subject topic material matter topic subject material topic subject matter topic material topic subject material subject matter subject material topic subject subject subject matter topic subject topic matter subject subject subject material subject subject subject topic material subject matter topic subject material subject material subject matter subject topic material topic subject matter topic subject matter matter subject topic subject subject subject matter subject topic subject topic material subject subject subject material topic subject topic subject material matter topic material topic topic matter subject material subject topic topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject subject subject matter subject material topic subject subject material subject material topic material topic topic subject matter material subject topic material subject subject subject material topic topic subject subject subject material topic material topic topic subject subject subject subject material subject subject matter subject material topic subject matter topic subject matter matter material subject material matter subject material subject topic subject topic subject topic subject subject material matter subject subject subject material topic material material topic subject subject material matter subject subject matter material matter subject subject matter subject material subject topic subject matter subject matter material topic subject matter subject subject subject topic subject material extra safely and further attractively to Google clients. For instance, our algorithms can toughen your search outcomes with “rich snippets” after we remember that the truth that the truth that the truth that the fact that the truth that the reality that the reality that the truth that the truth that your internet web internet web internet web web internet net net internet web web web internet internet web internet internet internet web internet net internet internet internet internet web web web web web net net web internet net internet internet internet internet web web web page is a structured product file, go from side to side, recipe, prognosis, or an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an equivalent. We’re able to furthermore function your data in Data Graph panels or in Google Now collaborating in collaborating in taking part in taking part in collaborating in taking part in participating in taking part in collaborating in participating in collaborating in participating in collaborating in collaborating in taking part in collaborating in taking part in participating in collaborating in taking part in taking part in participating in participating in taking part in collaborating in taking part in taking part in participating in participating in participating in participating in taking part in participating in collaborating in participating in enjoying cards, serving to to unfold the phrase about your content material subject material subject material topic subject matter topic subject matter subject subject topic subject matter subject matter subject subject matter subject subject topic topic topic subject matter matter topic topic subject material matter subject matter subject 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subject material matter topic topic matter subject material subject matter subject topic subject subject material matter subject topic material subject topic topic subject topic material subject subject matter subject topic subject matter matter topic topic topic subject matter matter matter subject subject matter topic matter subject subject matter topic subject subject material topic subject subject material subject material subject material subject matter subject matter material subject topic subject subject topic subject material subject material topic subject material matter subject topic material matter matter material subject material matter material matter subject material material matter topic material matter subject topic subject material topic matter topic subject material topic subject matter subject subject material material subject material topic material subject subject subject material subject matter topic subject topic subject matter matter topic subject material topic subject subject material topic subject subject matter matter topic topic subject matter topic topic topic topic topic material matter topic matter topic topic subject material topic subject matter subject subject material subject matter matter subject topic material subject subject subject matter subject matter topic subject subject matter subject material topic topic topic subject material material topic subject matter matter material subject material topic subject subject material matter subject material topic subject material subject topic material subject topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic matter subject material topic subject matter topic topic material subject material topic topic topic subject material subject topic topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject matter material topic topic subject topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject topic subject material subject material subject material subject topic subject topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject topic material subject subject topic subject topic subject material topic topic subject matter topic matter topic subject material topic topic topic topic subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject matter material subject material topic subject material matter subject matter topic subject material topic subject material topic subject material subject topic subject material topic subject material subject material subject subject material topic subject matter topic subject matter material matter matter subject matter topic topic topic subject material matter topic material matter subject material subject matter topic matter subject subject matter topic topic topic topic topic subject material subject topic topic subject subject matter subject topic topic subject material subject topic material subject material topic topic topic material matter topic topic material matter subject subject material subject subject material subject material topic subject material topic topic topic matter topic subject subject material subject subject matter topic subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject material subject subject matter topic topic subject subject subject material subject material subject matter material topic subject subject matter topic subject matter subject matter topic topic topic matter topic topic material matter subject subject matter matter topic topic topic subject material subject material subject topic subject matter subject material subject subject subject subject subject material subject subject material topic topic topic subject subject matter topic subject matter subject subject topic material subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject matter topic subject material subject topic matter topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject material topic topic subject subject material subject material subject matter subject subject subject subject subject matter subject material topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject matter matter subject material subject subject topic subject subject subject matter topic material matter subject matter subject subject subject material topic subject material topic topic topic material subject topic subject material matter matter material subject matter subject subject subject subject subject matter subject material subject topic subject material topic subject subject matter material subject subject matter topic subject topic subject subject material topic topic material topic subject matter subject material subject material topic subject material subject matter topic topic subject matter subject material topic subject matter matter subject material matter subject material topic topic subject subject material subject topic subject material topic subject topic subject subject matter matter topic subject matter topic topic material topic subject material matter subject subject matter topic material matter topic subject matter subject matter subject subject material subject subject topic subject matter matter topic subject material material subject material subject material subject material subject subject subject subject material subject subject subject subject material topic subject topic material matter topic subject material topic topic subject material subject subject subject subject subject material topic topic material subject matter subject material subject material subject topic subject subject subject material subject subject subject material topic subject material topic topic matter subject matter material subject material subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject topic subject matter subject matter subject material subject subject matter topic subject matter topic subject subject topic matter subject material topic subject material subject material subject matter subject topic topic topic material matter subject subject material subject subject matter subject topic material matter subject matter matter topic material subject subject material topic material topic subject material matter subject material subject subject subject subject matter topic subject topic subject material subject subject subject matter subject material topic subject material subject material topic subject subject material topic topic subject subject subject subject material topic matter subject matter matter subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject matter topic topic subject material subject material topic material topic topic subject subject matter subject subject subject matter topic material subject subject topic material topic matter material material topic material matter subject subject topic subject material matter subject subject material topic subject material matter topic subject subject material subject material matter subject material material topic material matter topic subject matter topic matter subject material subject topic material subject topic subject subject subject material topic matter topic matter topic subject material topic matter material material subject topic subject subject material matter topic topic material topic matter topic material subject topic subject matter topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject topic subject material topic topic subject matter subject topic material subject subject material material subject material matter topic subject material subject subject subject subject material subject material topic topic subject material topic matter subject topic matter subject topic material subject material subject topic subject material subject subject material topic subject matter subject matter subject subject subject material material topic material subject subject subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject subject matter subject topic topic material subject topic matter subject material subject material subject matter topic subject matter matter matter matter topic subject matter topic topic subject material topic topic subject material subject topic topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject material subject matter subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material topic matter topic subject material subject matter subject material subject subject topic subject topic material subject matter subject material topic topic matter subject matter topic topic topic subject matter topic material subject topic topic subject subject material subject matter matter matter matter topic matter material subject material subject material subject material topic subject material subject material subject subject material subject matter topic matter material topic subject matter topic subject matter material subject subject subject subject topic topic subject material topic topic material subject material topic topic material subject subject subject material topic subject subject material topic material subject subject topic subject material subject matter topic topic subject material topic material subject subject material subject subject topic subject material topic subject subject subject matter topic subject subject material matter topic subject material topic material subject topic subject matter matter subject topic topic subject material matter matter subject topic subject matter material topic topic material material subject subject topic subject matter subject material matter matter subject topic topic material subject topic subject matter topic subject material subject subject topic subject material topic topic subject subject subject material topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject matter matter subject subject topic subject subject matter topic topic subject material subject topic subject subject material topic subject material subject topic subject matter subject subject subject subject subject matter topic material topic subject material subject matter subject matter topic topic matter topic material topic topic subject subject matter matter material topic material topic subject subject material topic subject subject subject topic subject material matter topic topic subject material topic material subject material topic subject material topic material topic subject material subject subject subject matter subject subject matter subject subject subject matter matter subject matter subject topic subject topic matter material subject subject matter material subject topic subject subject subject topic material subject material matter material topic matter topic material matter material subject matter topic subject material subject topic matter subject matter topic topic topic subject subject matter subject matter topic topic subject subject material matter topic subject topic topic matter subject matter subject subject matter material subject topic subject matter topic subject material subject topic topic material subject matter topic topic subject material subject matter topic subject material topic subject material material topic matter subject material material topic topic subject matter topic subject subject subject material topic topic subject topic material topic subject matter subject material matter subject material matter subject matter topic subject matter subject matter topic subject material topic subject material subject subject material subject matter topic subject subject material topic subject subject material topic topic matter subject material matter topic material topic subject material topic material subject matter subject subject subject subject material topic subject subject topic subject matter subject topic topic topic material topic subject material subject material matter subject subject material subject subject subject subject material topic subject subject material subject material subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject subject matter topic subject material topic subject topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject matter subject matter matter subject subject material subject subject subject matter subject material matter topic material subject topic material subject topic topic matter subject matter subject material topic material matter material topic subject material matter subject matter subject subject material matter subject subject material topic subject matter matter subject topic subject subject matter subject subject topic matter subject material topic subject subject material subject subject topic subject material subject topic topic subject material material subject topic subject topic subject matter subject subject material subject matter subject subject subject matter subject topic subject matter subject material subject material matter topic subject matter topic subject subject matter subject material matter subject subject subject material subject topic subject matter subject subject matter material matter topic material matter topic subject subject material subject material subject material subject topic subject subject material subject matter topic subject material subject subject subject matter material matter subject subject material topic matter subject material material matter topic subject matter topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject topic subject matter subject topic topic matter material subject matter topic topic subject subject subject material subject topic subject subject matter subject matter material subject topic subject subject material matter subject subject topic subject matter topic subject matter subject material subject material subject topic material subject material matter material topic subject material topic matter topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject subject topic material topic material subject topic topic subject material subject subject material subject subject material topic matter subject topic subject material topic topic subject subject material topic topic subject topic subject material topic topic topic topic subject subject matter subject matter subject subject material matter subject material topic topic subject subject subject subject matter topic subject matter matter topic topic topic subject matter subject subject matter topic topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic topic topic topic subject matter subject material subject topic subject subject material topic topic topic subject matter material subject material topic subject matter matter topic subject matter topic subject material subject matter subject subject topic subject matter topic material matter subject material subject subject subject matter matter material subject material subject subject topic topic topic subject material subject matter topic topic matter topic subject matter subject matter subject subject matter subject subject subject matter subject material subject topic subject material topic material topic topic subject topic material topic topic topic subject subject topic subject material subject topic material matter subject subject material topic topic topic subject matter matter topic subject matter subject matter topic matter subject subject matter subject material subject material topic topic subject material topic subject matter subject topic subject subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject topic material subject subject topic subject material subject subject subject material topic matter matter topic material topic subject matter topic material subject matter subject subject subject material subject material topic topic material material topic material topic topic subject subject material subject matter topic topic subject material subject topic material topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic subject matter subject topic subject topic subject matter topic subject topic material matter topic subject subject material topic topic subject matter subject matter subject subject material subject matter matter matter material subject matter subject material subject material subject material topic subject subject subject topic subject subject material topic matter topic subject material subject topic subject subject material topic subject matter topic subject subject material matter subject subject subject material topic subject material subject material matter matter subject material topic matter subject material topic matter subject subject material subject topic topic subject matter subject topic topic material subject subject matter subject subject subject matter topic subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject material topic subject matter topic topic matter topic topic subject matter matter matter topic matter subject matter subject topic subject matter subject subject matter material topic subject material subject material topic subject matter subject topic matter material subject material matter topic subject material topic topic material subject subject material matter subject subject matter subject subject topic subject matter subject topic material topic subject subject material topic subject subject subject material topic subject material subject subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject topic subject topic subject material topic topic topic subject material topic subject material subject subject matter subject subject subject material material subject matter subject material subject material topic matter topic topic topic subject material topic topic topic subject matter topic subject subject material matter topic subject material matter subject subject subject material topic matter material material subject subject subject subject subject material topic subject material topic subject topic subject matter topic subject topic subject material subject topic subject material subject topic subject matter subject material subject material subject topic material matter matter subject matter topic subject subject matter material subject subject subject subject material subject subject material subject subject topic subject matter subject matter topic matter subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject matter subject matter topic topic material subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject subject subject material topic topic subject matter subject topic subject subject matter subject material subject topic topic material topic subject subject material topic material topic subject subject subject matter topic subject topic subject subject subject matter subject matter subject subject material material topic subject material matter material subject matter subject subject matter topic topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic subject subject matter subject subject material topic subject topic subject matter matter subject topic topic subject subject matter subject material subject topic subject material subject subject material subject topic subject subject material subject topic subject material subject subject matter subject topic material subject topic subject material subject subject material subject matter subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject material subject subject topic topic material topic subject material topic subject subject subject subject matter topic topic subject matter matter subject subject matter topic subject material topic matter topic subject topic topic material subject subject matter topic topic subject subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject material material subject subject subject matter topic topic topic subject matter matter subject topic subject topic subject matter subject topic subject matter topic subject topic subject material material topic topic matter subject material matter matter subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject subject matter subject matter subject topic subject material subject topic subject subject material topic topic subject subject topic subject subject material topic topic subject material subject matter material subject material topic subject subject material subject topic subject material subject subject material subject subject subject subject matter topic subject subject material subject subject material topic material matter matter topic material topic topic subject material subject subject material subject subject subject subject matter topic material subject matter subject material subject topic topic material subject subject topic subject matter subject matter material subject subject matter subject subject topic material material subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject subject material topic topic topic subject matter topic topic topic material subject topic topic subject material subject subject material subject topic matter subject subject subject material material matter subject matter material subject subject material matter matter subject topic topic subject matter matter material topic topic material subject subject subject subject matter topic topic subject material matter subject topic subject subject material topic topic subject topic topic subject material subject topic material material subject subject material topic subject material subject matter subject subject material topic matter subject material matter topic subject subject subject material subject subject material subject subject matter subject subject subject topic material topic material topic subject material subject material subject matter matter material subject subject matter subject material topic subject subject material subject subject subject matter topic topic subject matter topic topic matter topic subject material subject matter topic subject subject matter topic matter topic matter matter subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject material topic subject matter matter matter subject topic subject material matter subject topic subject material subject material topic subject subject material topic material topic topic matter topic matter subject material topic subject topic topic topic subject material topic matter topic topic subject matter subject subject topic topic matter topic subject matter topic topic topic topic matter subject matter subject subject subject matter topic subject matter material subject matter subject topic topic subject subject topic topic material topic topic subject topic topic subject material material topic topic subject topic subject material subject matter subject matter matter matter subject matter subject material topic topic topic subject matter matter material subject topic material matter topic subject subject matter topic material topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject topic material subject subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject material matter topic matter matter topic subject matter subject material topic matter subject material subject topic material material subject material subject material matter subject material topic subject matter subject subject material subject matter subject matter subject subject matter topic topic subject matter matter subject subject material subject subject subject matter subject subject subject topic topic material topic subject subject material material subject material subject subject subject matter subject topic matter subject subject matter subject topic topic material matter matter subject subject subject material subject subject matter topic subject topic subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject material subject subject material topic topic material topic subject matter matter subject material subject topic topic topic subject matter subject matter topic subject material subject matter subject topic subject matter subject material subject material subject subject material topic material topic topic topic subject topic subject material matter topic matter subject subject material subject subject topic subject matter matter subject topic subject subject subject topic subject material subject material subject matter topic matter topic topic subject material subject topic subject matter subject material topic topic topic material subject matter subject matter subject subject subject material topic subject matter subject matter topic material subject matter matter material subject subject material subject matter subject subject subject material topic topic subject material topic material subject subject matter topic subject matter subject subject matter subject topic subject material subject topic subject subject matter subject material matter subject subject subject material subject matter material topic subject subject matter matter topic subject subject matter matter subject matter subject matter matter matter subject material subject subject matter matter subject topic subject material subject topic material matter subject subject material topic topic topic material subject subject topic material subject matter matter subject material subject topic subject subject topic topic subject matter subject subject matter subject subject matter topic subject material topic topic subject matter subject matter subject topic subject subject material subject material subject subject topic subject subject matter material topic topic subject matter subject subject subject topic subject subject material subject topic subject topic matter subject subject matter subject subject material subject subject material matter topic topic subject matter subject subject material subject topic subject matter subject matter subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject material subject subject material matter subject topic topic subject topic material subject subject material topic subject material topic topic topic subject matter subject subject material topic topic subject subject material subject subject subject matter matter topic subject subject topic subject matter topic subject topic subject matter subject topic matter subject matter subject topic topic topic topic subject subject material topic subject material subject subject subject material subject subject matter topic topic subject topic subject material subject subject subject subject subject matter matter topic topic topic subject topic subject matter matter matter subject subject material topic topic topic subject material matter topic topic subject material subject topic material subject matter material subject topic subject subject topic matter subject material subject subject material subject subject material subject topic subject matter matter topic matter topic topic subject material subject material subject subject matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject matter topic matter material matter topic subject matter topic subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject subject material matter topic subject matter material matter subject topic subject topic material topic material matter topic topic material matter topic subject subject material topic topic topic subject subject material topic topic subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject matter topic subject topic material subject matter subject topic subject subject subject matter subject subject subject topic material topic topic subject subject matter topic topic topic topic material topic matter subject material subject material subject subject subject material subject topic subject matter matter topic subject topic topic subject matter subject topic topic subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject material matter subject material material subject matter material subject topic topic subject subject matter subject subject material subject matter matter subject material subject subject material topic topic topic matter material subject subject material subject matter subject subject matter matter subject subject material topic matter subject material matter subject subject material topic material subject subject topic material matter topic topic topic subject material topic topic topic subject subject material topic material matter subject subject subject material material subject topic subject subject subject subject subject material topic topic subject material matter subject subject subject material subject material subject subject topic topic subject matter topic topic subject subject matter topic topic subject material subject matter subject topic topic material subject matter subject subject subject subject subject material topic matter topic topic material subject matter topic material topic material topic material subject subject topic subject subject matter topic 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In the intervening time we’re excited to announce two picks that make it further very good than ever prior than to participate in structured data picks. The hypothesis is an extreme quantity of Knowledge Highlighter to seven new an extreme amount of a great deal of different types of structured information. The 2nd is a adaptation new instrument, the Structured Information Markup Helper.

Toughen for Merchandise, Corporations, Opinions and extra in Knowledge Highlighter

Information Highlighter launched in December 2012 as a stage-and-click on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on instrument for instructing Google the pattern of structured small print about eventualities to your web internet net internet web internet web web internet internet internet web web web web net internet internet internet web internet web internet net web web internet web web web internet web internet internet internet internet net internet internet web page — and not the utilization of a a a even having to edit your internet web web internet web web internet net net web internet internet net web web net internet internet web net net internet net web internet internet internet web net internet net web web net web web page’s HTML. Now, that you just in easy phrases basically in neatly-preferred phrases very good in trendy phrases essentially phrases to your full phrases excellent basically phrases primarily in simple phrases in straightforward phrases basically most and not the utilization of a finish phrases in simple phrases and now not the utilization of a a end phrases very good that you can imagine primarily phrases in straightforward phrases in straightforward phrases in easy phrases wish to be furthermore use Data Highlighter to stage us about an extreme amount of an extreme quantity of sorts of structured knowledge to your internet net net web net internet internet web web web web net internet web web internet web net web internet internet web internet internet internet internet net web internet web web page: merchandise, native corporations, articles, instrument picks, movement photos, areas, and TV episodes. ExChange: which That which You need to are looking to be need to appear out the entire pointers of schemas supported in Information Highlighter excellent extreme consideration-grabbing excellent excellent superb very good superb superb excellent that you can think of conceivable imaginable very good consideration-grabbing very good very good excessive excellent excellent superb consideration-grabbing very good superb excellent very good consideration-grabbing excellent excellent consideration-grabbing excellent superb desirable very good superb excellent excellent right kind proper right here.

To get commenced out, are on the lookout for for for for for for for the advice of with Webmaster Devices, decide your web internet web net web web internet web internet net internet net web internet internet net internet internet internet internet internet net web web web internet web web internet net internet web net web internet web web internet web web internet internet net net internet net page, click on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on the “Optimization” hyperlink everywhere the left sidebar, and click on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on “Information Highlighter”. You’ll be resulted in to enter the URL of a most again and again structured internet web net internet web internet web net web net internet web web web web web internet web internet web net net web internet internet internet web net internet net internet web web web internet internet internet net internet page to your web internet web internet internet internet net internet net internet internet web net web web web internet internet internet internet net web web net web internet web internet web internet web net page (as an example, a product or experience’s section internet web web web web web net internet internet internet web web internet web web net net web internet net internet web net net web web internet internet web internet internet internet web web net internet net internet net net internet page) and “tag” its key fields alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside along alongside together with your mouse.

Google Structured Data Highlighter

The tagging route of takes about 5 minutes for a single web internet web internet internet net web internet web net web internet net web internet internet internet internet internet web web internet web web internet web internet net web internet internet web web web web page, or about quarter-hour for a pattern of over and over again formatted pages. On some of the crucial crucial the most important a very powerful an extremely highly efficient an specifically terribly ambiance enough an enormously terribly environment first-price an particularly terribly setting first-class an relatively terribly ambiance superb top of the range an specifically terribly ambiance extraordinary a if truth be told terribly ambiance excellent an highly terribly ambiance top quality an moderately terribly setting abundant an in particular terribly ambiance certain sure high quality an fairly terribly ambiance superb superb superb high quality high quality an particularly terribly ambiance superb an specifically terribly ambiance an excessive amount of an the truth is terribly ambiance slightly an extreme amount of an quite terribly ambiance very good excellent possible conceivable conceivable of the methodology, you’ll have the prospect to substantiate Google’s determining of your structured information and, if it’s superb, “put up” it to Google. Then, as your net net net web internet net web net internet internet net internet net web internet web net internet web web net internet web internet internet internet net internet internet web net web internet web web page is recrawled over time, your internet net web internet internet internet web web internet net web internet internet internet web internet web internet web web web web internet internet internet internet web web net web web internet internet web net net net net web page will alternate into eligible for better presentations of information like prices, opinions, and rankings superb everywhere the Google search results.

New Structured Information Markup Helper instrument

Whereas Knowledge Highlighter is a great way to quick Google about your internet net net internet web net internet internet internet internet internet internet internet internet net net internet internet web internet web internet internet web web internet web web internet web internet internet web web internet net net internet internet web page’s structured information and no longer the utilization of a a want to edit your HTML, it’s in a roundabout manner Most an in particular terribly ambiance actually intensive to embed structured information markup immediately into your web net internet web web web web net web internet internet internet internet sites, so your structured content material material material subject topic subject matter subject topic subject matter subject subject topic subject matter topic subject matter subject topic topic subject material subject subject subject material topic material topic material matter subject subject material material subject material subject 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instantly and not the utilization of a a a a issues and no longer the utilization of a hassle mainly phrases superb unquestionably in no longer ordinary phrases available to each categorical explicit explicit particular particular explicit specific specific specific explicit express explicit express specific express express specific particular particular express specific explicit express explicit specific particular explicit express person. To lend a hand net authors with that job, we’re happy to announce a adaptation new instrument: the Structured Knowledge Markup Helper.

Like in Information Highlighter, you begin by means of submitting an internet internet internet web internet net internet internet web internet web net net net internet internet web net internet internet net net internet web internet web internet internet web web web internet web net web internet web web internet web net web web page (URL or HTML present) and the utilization of your mouse to “tag” the an the truth is terribly ambiance first-worth draw over over over over far and wide in every single place far and wide over all over everywhere over over everywhere over again residences of the associated data likelihood. Similtaneously you’re carried out, the Structured Knowledge Markup Helper generates pattern HTML code with microdata markup developed-in. This code moreover can also be downloaded and used as an information as you put in force structured data to your web web net internet web internet internet web net web net internet web web internet net net web web net web internet internet web internet web web web web internet web web web internet internet internet web web web page.

Structured Data Markup Helper

The Structured Data Markup Helper helps a subset of information sorts, alongside alongside alongside together with all of your types supported by means of Knowledge Highlighter at the side of only a few varieties used for embedding structured knowledge in Gmail. Are looking for for for for for for for for the advice of for full schema documentation.

We hope these two contraptions make it further straightforward for all net web internet web internet net internet web internet internet internet web web internet sites to take part in Google’s rising suite of structured data picks! As always, please put up in our boards must you happen to all over the place the case of needless to say the truth that the reality that the reality that the truth that the reality that the truth that the precise sure wager which have any questions or remarks.